Slippery Slopes.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader knows that the Minister of Agriculture doesn’t care for “slippery slope” arguments. Which your Maximum Leader admits is fair, in that most of the time the exponent of a “slippery slope” argument is committing a logical fallacy. It is important to remember however, that for a “slippery slope” argument to be logically flawed, the final conclusion must be shown not to be a result of the primary step in the argument.

Of course, when talking about our political society, typical laws of logic do not seem to apply. Indeed, sometimes people persist in denying the slippery slope connection even when you can clearly document it. (Like here and here.)

With that thought in mind, you should read the latest from Velociworld

Carry on.

The Dangers of Writing in the Third Person.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has stared into the crystal ball. He’s seen the future.

And he fears the future very much.

Mr. DeMille… I’m ready for my closeup…

Carry on.

Alien Does The Bard

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader commends for your viewing and reading pleasure:

The Harfleur Soliliquy from Henry V as interpreted by the alien from “Cosmic Import.” As you may know, Cosmic Import is a recurring comic done by our very own Poet Laureate.

Critical assessment: The Alien is no Kenneth Branagh or Larry Olivier. But he is more animated than Biff Baker who once played Henry V in a Hayfield High School production of this play.

Carry on.

Sharm el-Sheikh.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is not at all surprised by the recent bombings in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Indeed, the Red Sea resort seems like a great target for terrorists. It has a reputation for being “secure.” Diplmats love it. And it is in a muslim country.

Why do these factors make Sharm el-Sheikh a great target. Because it feeds the fear that the terrorists need to survive. According to news reports, the Egyptian police are looking for some Pakistani men in relation to the blast. Pakistan says that it couldn’t be Pakistani nationals responsible. One surmises that the Egyptians are also looking for Saudi’s (and 80 year old white-women from the American midwest).

Your Maximum Leader thinks that attacking Sharm el-Sheikh, and London, the terrorists are starting a new wave of attacking soft targets. These attacks will likely continue across the globe and culminate in an attack on the US in September. Your Maximum Leader hopes that police, intelligence, and military forces around the world are on high alert. Because he doesn’t see that there will be a let-up any time soon.

Carry on.

The Madness of King George.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read over the wire that a new report seems to link King George III’s madness to Arsenic.

This is something like a whole cottage industry among historians. What caused George III to go mad? (First porphyria, now arsenic.) Did the British poison Napoleon? Was Anna Anderson actually Annastasia Romanov? All those questions that made Leonard Nimoy lots of money in the 70’s because of “In Search Of…”

All in all it probably isn’t too important what caused George III to go mad. What was important was that “Prinny” became Regent, Pitt kept the nation going, Wellington defeated Napoleon, and the nation of shopkeepers endured.

That said… It is still an interesting piece.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has a very busy day ahead of him. He must attend to a number of different situations and will likely not be able to blog at all.

Consider yourselves warned.

Also… Expect changes. Great and glorious changes.

Expect them soon.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads that Stiggy has recently lost a dear friend and mentor. He has my deepest condolences.

Carry on.

Acropolis Restoration Near Completion

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is pleased to read that the much hyped Acropolis facelift is nearly finished. Remember all that money raised by the Olympics was going to go to restoring and preserving the Acropolis. It should be stunning.

Your Maximum Leader will have to add Athens to the list of placed to visit as soon as possible…

…In case some terrorist bastards decide they want to finish what the Turks left undone.

Carry on.

Oh No.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that there are Explosions reported on London tube, bus -police.

More as this develops.

Carry on.

Beamed Up (James Doohan - RIP)

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads with some sadness that James Doohan, of Star Trek fame, has died of pneumonia complicated by Alzheimers. He was 85.

Chief Engineer Montgomery Scot of the Starship Enterprise is an enduring character of TV and film. And James Doohan will be immortal for that role.

Your Maximum Leader learned a few years back that Doohan had stormed the beached of Normandy with Canadian troops on D-day. But until reading this obituary, he had no idea that the Nazis shot off one of his fingers. Wow! Shot 6 times. A wounded war vet. Perhaps we should remember his as much for that as for any character role.

Carry on.

Kitchen Appliances

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read the most recent post from the great and mighty Velociman concerning electric can openers.

Like the Velociman, your Maximum Leader can’t stand electric can openers. Now, your Maximum Leader will admit to having spent some ungodly amount approaching $18 for some piece-of-crap ergonomic über-can-opener once. He forgets who made it. But he loved it. It worked with little effort. And that can opener never had to be “fiddled with” or “adjusted” to get it to work… Well, your Maximum Leader never had to fiddle or adjust the can opener. Mrs. Villain hated it. It never worked for her. It would slip. It would fail to pierce the top of the can. It would take about 15 cranks to get it halfway around the can. She hated it. She threw it in the sink. She threw it on the floor. She cursed at it. She cursed your Maximum Leader for insisting that it “worked fine” for him. If your Maximum Leader remembers correctly, she even cut her finger with it once.

To her that $18 can opener was anathema. She wanted it cast into the outer darkness. She damned it on its coming and going. She wanted a great dark chasm in the earth to open and swallow it whole.

Then one day, the $18 can opener disappeared. Gone. Vanished without a race. Your Maximum Leader made no mention of it. And since he had no cans to open, it didn’t seem like a pressing issue. He made a note to pick up a new can opener if the $18 can opener didn’t reappear.

The next day there was a new can opener in the Villainschloss. It was an ugly piece of equipment. Oversized rubber grips. A massive half-moon handle with some plastic coating on it. Very little metal showing. And although it wieghed a lot more than the $18 can opener, it felt cheap. Somewhere on the grip it was emblazoned with the word “Farberware.” Your Maximum Leader saw the reciept for the new can opener in the trash. $5.99.

The Farberware can opener works fine. It rarely slips. It always seems to work effectively. But it doesn’t work with the ease and style that the $18 can opener did. Your Maximum Leader really liked the $18 can opener.

But it is gone. And will likely never return.

And Mrs. Villain has never complained about the new one.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sending himself a memo. Never get sarcastic with the Crack Young Staff of The Hatemonger’s Quarterly. One wonders if Dr. Cloud has had enough, or if she will come back for more.

Carry on.

Hermeneutics Of Scalia

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just had a good chuckle. It was a chuckle in part because what he read was funny. In part his chuckle was a nervous one based in fear.

The cause was Jeff’s recent post: In which I discuss hermeneutics with a leftover steamed dumpling from last night’s dim sum meal, 4

Your Maximum Leader will let you figure it out.

Carry on.

How Can This Be?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader learns from the always informative Mr. Joyner that according to a new NPR poll Public Likes Democrats Less than Republicans.

Wow. And considering all those other polls your Maximum Leader reads (but to which he doesn’t link) Republicans are only slightly edging out Used Car Salesmen, Pedophile Priests, and Carnies in the popularity department. One wonders where that puts the Democrats.

Sorta scary really.

Carry on.

Does This Seem Like a Bad Idea?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the President is going to name his nominee to replace Sandra Day O’Connor in a Prime Time press conference tonight.

This strikes your Maximum Leader as a bad thing. He can’t put his finger on why. But he thinks it is.

On the one hand, it is doubtful that reporters would know enough about every possible nominee to have good questions ready at the press conference. So that might be a little bit of a plus. But it seems that it may not be good timing. Certainly it may deflect some of the Rove attacks, but he’ll still get hammered on that stuff too. And why dothis now? Your Maximum Leader thought he would wait until closer to August and give the Senate less time to dish up the dirt on a nominee.

Well… We’ll see how it goes.

Carry on.

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