Zombie Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader hasn’t yet departed for the beach… But he is still taking quizzes on other blogs…

Your Maximum Leader is:


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Although 68% chance of survival is not too bad, your Maximum Leader’s failings are that he is out of shape, he lives in a moderately sized city, and he would try and find loved ones in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Of course, he wouldn’t go out and try and find loved ones without packing serious heat. But he would forsake shelter to find his family and (he hopes) save them from the zombies.

Evidently Joan has fewer problems with her survival. In the worst case senario, your Maximum Leader would have to find Joan and hunker down…

Carry on.

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Most of the Ministry scored over ninety. That is to be expected, of course, as we post about zombies every time we run out of things to say.

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