Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has much to say, but hasn’t been making the time to say it. There is so much to say about Israel and Gaza. (Your Maximum Leader comes down squarely for Israel; but admits that Israel makes mistakes that should be addressed.) There is much to say about Ukraine. (Where your Maximum Leader is sympathetic to the plight of Ukraine; but does wonder what exactly we can do there that would be constructive.) There is much to say about ebola. (Calm down everyone. No really. Calm down.) There is much to say about the trial of Bob McDonnell, former Governor of Virginia. (Which your Maximum Leader thinks is just sad all around.)
All these subjects and more that call for comment… But are met with silence here.
Your Maximum Leader’s kids will be out with grandparents this weekend… Perhaps he’ll write…
Maybe he’ll tell you about his recent trip to Canada… (Yes… He visited with Skippy!)
Oh yes… Happy Birthday wishes to your Maximum Leader’s mum… Today is the big day…
Carry on.