Virginia Gubernatorial Race

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader figures you are probably sitting in front of your computer screen saying to yourself, “Self, I wonder what my Maximum Leader thinks of the hotly contested gubernatorial race in his great Commonwealth of Virginia?” Well that is an excellent question to ask.

Let your Maximum Leader state up front that neither candidate has gotten your Maximum Leader all worked up. Indeed, this is one of the few times in his memory that he wishes that a Governor could run for re-election. Most of the time your Maximum Leader is pleased as punch to get a new Governor every four years. But, quite honestly, your Maximum Leader would vote for Mark Warner (D-VA) for Governor again.

Let your Maximum Leader also state upfront that he is peeved at both Jerry Kilgore (former Atty General of Virginia - Republican) and Tim Kaine (current Lt. Governor of Virginia - Democrat). They both seem to be particularly adept at twisting the truth (or outright lying) during this election. In you Maximum Leader’s opinion, neither has used reasonable estimates of how much their proposed programs would cost (or save) as the case may be. Both verge on slander in discussing their rival.

Now this was not always the case. Early on in the electin cycle both Kilgore and Kaine were pretty much issues men. They didn’t go out for attacks on the other guy. They both stayed “on message.” All in all it was pretty pleasant.

Then they started to read polling data in August. The polls showed a dead heat. Well… Depending on how you did your poll and who did your poll it would show a slight advantage to one candidate or the other. If you looked at all polls in the aggregate it was a dead heat.

As you all surely know, when you are in a dead heat with your opponent and Election Day looms you’ve got to mix things up a little. By “mix things up a little” we really mean “go negative.”

Now your Maximum Leader doesn’t recall exactly who went negative first. Frankly it doesn’t make any difference. One goes negative to get a jump in the polls. If you can’t boost your own positives you can boost the other guy’s negatives. In a way, going negative can actually improve your positives because it shows you really want the job enough to go the extra mile to make the other guy look particularly distasteful.

Having said he didn’t remember who went negative first, your Maximum Leader does clearly remember the first negative ad that made an impression on him. It was the Kilgore Ad called “Kelly.” (If you have a high speed connection you can click here to watch it.) In the ad you have an attractive blonde widow telling the viewer how Tim Kaine doesn’t want to execute cop-killing drug dealers. It is pretty powerful stuff. Of course what makes it more powerful is that Tim Kaine has been very clear that he does support a moratorium on the death penalty so that all the people on Death Row in Virginia can have their cases reviewed. Tim Kaine furthermore has gone on the record saying that his Roman Catholic faith informs his strongly held moral conviction that the death penalty is wrong.

So. You have the law-and-order Republican painting the Democrat as not wanting to support the death penalty. The death penalty which, your Maximum Leader adds, is quite popular in Virginia. (We’re number two behind Texas. Watch out Lone Star staters! We’re on your heels on this one!) Your Maximum Leader, dear minions, is perfectly willing to let a man say that his faith has shaped his moral judgement on the death penalty. Indeed, for a candidate to high office to come out and say something that unpopular in Virginia shows that someone has got some big balls. Your Maximum Leader may disagree, but you’ll score some points.

Well, you’ll score some points until you go around saying that while your faith leads you to believe that the death penalty is wrong; your faith doesn’t inform your moral beliefs at all when it comes to abortion. Surely Tim Kaine is welcome to whatever religious beliefs he thinks are right for him. But what turns off your Maximum Leader is when you invoke your faith to score points in one area, and deny it in another. If you are going to do that, your Maximum Leader would honestly prefer you keep your faith to yourself.

We are all inconsistent in one way or another when our personal beliefs may differ from the doctrine of our chosen church. (Except for the Smallholder - who is Episcopalian. And as we all know, it’s all good when you’re an Episcopalian.) When those inconsistencies are personal it isn’t a problem. But when one touts one’s faith to gain political favour with one group, then reject your faith to curry favour with another group it is just… well… cheap. Instead just say you’re against the death penalty and for abortion; don’t bring faith into it.

The second attack ad run by the Kilgore campaign that seems to be working is one concerning illegal immigrants. Tim Kaine, the Democrat, has said that he favours extending state welfare services to illegal immigrants; and furthermore wants to give the children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition at Virginia’s public universities and colleges. With a stated position like Kaine’s it is easy for Mr. Kilgore t tauntingly add to the end of his ad “What part of illegal doesn’t Tim Kaine understand?” Frankly your Maximum Leader agrees. Why should the children of illegal immigrants get in-state tuition at Virginia schools when the children of US citizens who live in different states not get that benefit? That seems like a fair question to ask.

Of course, Tim Kaine has run his own negative ads against Jerry Kilgore. The one that resonates with your Maximum Leader is the ad that states that Kilgore wants to outlaw abortion. All abortions. Even in cases of rape or incest. Well, actually there is an out for rape and incest. Kilgore would allow the abortion in cases of rape or incest if the crime was reported to police within 7 days of the occurance. That is a pretty extreme position to take if you plan on running for Governor one day. Of course the lucky thing is that so long as the Supreme Court stands by Roe - there isn’t a chance of there being completely illegal abortions. (BTW, if you want to see some of Kaine’s ads - they are here. But the abortion one isn’t on that page, don’t know why.)

Tim Kaine also runs a pretty effective ad against Kilgore on taxes. It basically states that while Kilgore is talking the talk about cutting taxes and spending by the state government; he is all in favour of letting localities raise local taxes as high as they want. It is a catchy little ad.

Your Maximum Leader will say one thing for Tim Kaine, he is doing a very effective job of using incumbent Governor Warner (who by the way has a 70% - or higher - approval rating) in personal apperances and job ads. Kaine is doing everything he possibly can do to wrap himself in the mantle of Mark Warner. In those ads Warner goes on and on about how Kaine was a big help to the Governor during the very nasty budget battles of a few years ago. The funny thing is, your Maximum Leader never remembers hearing Kaine’s name mentioned during the budget battles. Indeed, he seems to remember Kaine sticking to the sidelines and laying low - fearing (one supposes) that the deal could go bad. He had to maintain his own electability after all.


You may be asking yourself, why is my Maximum Leader going on and on about negative ads, the death penalty, abortion, taxes, and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants? Aren’t there more important issues facing the Commonwealth of Virginia? Indeed there are. In fact most non-partisan polling information indicates that Education and Transportation are the number one and number two issues in the Commonwealth. A few months ago the death penalty, abortion, and illegal immigration weren’t even in the top 15 issues on the minds of voters. But thanks to the ads, those issues are moving up.

So what do we have here in Virginia? We have a state that is pretty well run. One might even say that (at least financially) Virginia is the best run state in the Union. (We are the only one with a AAA Bond rating afterall.) The state’s economy is growing. There is a budget surplus projected for quite a while. All in all things are good.

So when things are going well, what can two men who want to succeed a popular governor do? They can say they are for education and new roads. Of course they are. Who isn’t for smart kids and roads? Voters don’t want to be bothered by difficult things like reading position papers or plans. They like the short sweet who do you love issues. So, both candidates have determined to bring to the forefront issues that most voters wouldn’t think were important if someone weren’t talking about them so much.

One of these men will be elected governor next Tuesday. Who ever the winner is will likely have a negative ad to thank for a tiny margin of victory.

Not much else to say on this subject except to urge those of you who are registered to vote in Virginia that you do so next Tuesday.

Carry on.

In case you were wondering, your Maximum Leader will likely punch the card for Kilgore. He will likely votea straight party ticket for the big offices of Governor, Lt Governor, and Attorney General. Kilgore, Bolling, and McDonnell.

If Viola Baskerville had won the Democratic primary for Lt. Governor you Maximum Leader may very well have voted for her. But Delegate Baskerville did not win the primary. It was won instead by Leslie Byrne. Your Maximum Leader could never stand Leslie Byrne. She annoyed him in the past and continues to do so now. Ms. Baskerville, while certainly not a fellow-traveler with your Maximum Leader (indeed she and the Minister of Propaganda are probably pretty close in terms of political philosophy), is a good and thoughtful person with whom your Maximum Leader was acquainted for a while many moons ago.

Your Maximum Leader fully and heartilly endores Bob McDonnell for Attorney General. He was your Maximum Leader’s Delegate when he lived in Virginia Beach.

The tough voting for your Maximum Leader will come when he has to choose his county supervisor and school board member. In both instances he is disgusted with the performance of the incumbent and will vote for ‘change.’

Carry on.


Interesting post. Of course, you overlook one important effect of going negative. That would be the suppression of voter turn-out. Voters can’t stop screaming about how they hate negative campaigns. This begs the question, “If voters hate it, why do politicians keep doing it?”

The answer, Mein Furher, is simple. Politicians like it when the voters stay home. It makes for an easier campaign. When lots of people turn out to vote, they tend to do unpredictable things. Unpredictability is a bane to those in professional politics. So if the Great Unwashed stay home and watch reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond, the election becomes a simple exercise in base turn-out, which even retarded people can do pretty well.

And since the Republicans generally have a more committed and energized base, it stands to reason that they’d go negative first. emocrats go negative for shock value. This is because Democrats aren’t insanely smart.

In a pretend world where the Democrats were smart, they’d nationalize this election and make it about the other bank of the Potomac as much as possible. With a Republican president who currently has an approval rating that most pedophiles laugh at, Kaine was probably wildly stupid to not just ignore Kilgore and campaign against President Bush. Actually, I retract that last statement. Of course, Kaine is wildly stupid. He is after all a Democrat.

Anyone who can’t beat the Republicans at this point is not only addled, but probably congenitally so.

Then there’s the issue of faith in politics, which is probably the most disturbing of American traits. Faith, which is supposed to be a deeply personal thing, is essential to political success in the United States. This not true in any other Western democracy. In this, American has more in common with Iran and Pakistan than it does say, England.

The faith shapes American politics is endlessly interesting. Let’s look at abortion as an example. In most democracies, a politician is punished for bringing up abortion. Only in America is an office seeker rewarded for doing so.

As you know, I love abortion. I think few things are as adorable. Not because I love the procedure, per se, but because I like freedom of the individual and oppose a government so big that it actually enters someone’s birth canal.

Having said that, Kilgore’s position on abortion as painted by the opposition ad is the only intellectually consistent one you can have if you oppose abortion on moral or religious grounds.

Te “rape, incest and life of the mother” xceptions are intellectual canards if you examine why people would outlaw abortion. So too is the promise to prosecute only the doctors who perform and not the women who seek them.

“Conservatives” oppose abortion because they think that it is murder. And that is a principled position. The exceptions however, are unprincipled excercises in political craveness. Furthrmore, they undermine all opposition to abortion because it implies that some murder victims are more socially expendable than others.

And the “doctor’s only” prosecution is particularly priceless. Following this line of reasoning, it would be perfectly acceptable, as a matter of law, to hire a hitman. The only crime would be in being one. Doesnt that sound like supply side law enforcement?

I understand the politics of abortion all to well. I just have a very hard time believing that most of it is founded on principle, religious or otherwise.

MoK said:

Very interesting analysis, Maximum Leader, and thoughtful commentary from minion skippystalin. Yeah, the negative crap gets old, but I’ve come to accept it anymore, as long as I know the issues, too.
I’m casting my vote for Kilgore on Tuesday. Love the irony of his name, btw. Heh. But then I’m easily amused.
(Ahem) Where was I?
Oh yeh. Kilgore is a strong supporter of the 2A, and the Brady Bunch supports Kaine. Nuff said on that matter.
2)Kilgore is paying more attention to the illegal immigration issue (interesting side article here):

and that is a top one for me and the ‘Mate.
I seriously doubt he’s going to be focusing on trying to overturn Roe v. Wade. He’s got bigger issues to deal with.

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