Vegas baby…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader isn’t dead. He is just having difficulty getting onto a computer to blog. As he mentioned a few short posts ago, computer time is becoming hard-to-get at the Villainschloss. So your Maximum Leader has been thinking up lots of great posts… And letting them wither on the vine that is his clouded brain. He had a few pithy comments to make about Hillary Clinton’s victories the other night… But now you’ve probably heard enough of that and are moving on.

Your Maximum Leader might try to post a few things tomorrow or over the weekend. But no guarantees. He owes Mrs. P. some decrees (which he hopes to work on tonight). And you shouldn’t expect to hear from (read?) your Maximum Leader next week. Why you may ask? Well don’t ask, just read the post title line again.

Yes, your Maximum Leader will be in Las Vegas next week. If you happen to be in the Las Vegas area next week, shoot your Maximum Leader an e-mail. He’ll try to meet you. Otherwise, just imagine what your Maximum Leader will be doing…

Carry on.

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What happens in Vegas…

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