Unexpected Joy

Greetings, loyal minions. This weekend has been one of unexpected joy. Both Villainettes are college students now. As such, they are not home often. This weekend, Mrs. Villain had planned to get Villainette #1 (a senior at VCU) and bring her home to the Villainschoss on Friday night to spend the weekend with us and do some general “family stuff.” Well, Mrs. Villain had a bad headache on Friday night and your Maximum Leader himself made the trek (45 mins each way) to get Villainette #1 (who has no vehicle of her own) and brought her back home.

Apparently, while your Maximum Leader was on the road to Richmond, Villainette #2 (a sophomore at Virginia Tech) was on the phone with Mrs. Villain. The upshot of that phone call was that Villainette #2 decided to get in her vehicle and trek up home herself. That is a 3.5 hour drive. She started at 8pm. It caused her mom and dad a little anxiety (driving at night on I-81 is never fun). But she got home safe and sound. (I don’t know why it causes anxiety for us since she just drove all the way from Fredericksburg, VA to Orlando, FL and back over Christmas.)

Anyway… The full family was here (and frankly still is for a little while longer) for the weekend. That is an unexpected joy.

Carry on.

Robbo said:

I would suggest, my liege, that there is no time when driving on I-81 could ever be considered fun. ; 0

You are correct my friend. 81 is always a chore. Though at night, or in the rain, it is absolutely terrible.

Robbo said:

Yes, and with a bored sadist in a logging truck riding your backside. Ask me how I know.

By the bye, good to see you back on teh blogs. Life is just that much less villainous without your presence.

I need to try to keep up teh blogging. Thank you.

And one day we can swap stories of the nasty trucks on your backside on 81… Sometimes I just go 460 to 29 to avoid it…

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