Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is a little disappointed. He was unable to see the Boston Red Sox v. New York Yankees (brought to us by Lucifer and the denziens of the ninth circle of hell) on Sunday night. As you may have hear, that game was rained out. It was just played, and the Red Sox lost 4-2 giving the dreaded Yankees a 3-2 lead in the series headed back to Yankee Stadium. Indeed, your Maximum Leader is directing some of his ire towards the person of Allan “Bud” Selig, Commissioner of Baseball. I am sure he is somehow responsible for the way the game was called. Again, as you may have read, it rained all day in Boston on Sunday. But, it started to let up around 6pm. Game scheduled to start at 8:15. Your Maximum Leader and his Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law were at Fenway at 6:30ish. We purchased many items and spent a considerable amount of money. (Mostly on stuff for your Maximum Leader’s Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law. Your Maximum Leader did purchase a cap with Ted Williams’ number 9 on it. Since your Maximum Leader is a Braves fan, he felt a little odd getting any Boston cap. But, getting one connected with Teddy Baseball is a good thing.) Then we entered Fenway, and proceeded to get beer, hot dogs, and peanuts. Then, as the rain ended, the game was called. The excuse, I’m sure from the Commissoner himself, was that the field was unplayable. This really ticked off your Maximum Leader. The field was no different at 8pm from its condition at 4pm. It was all a conspiracy to separate your Maximum Leader from his cash.
Humm… Must remember to interrogate Allan “Bud” Selig during MWO to get tips on how to manipulate the masses.
Chicago v. Florida on now. Must go to TV…
Carry on.