Thursday’s Men’s Club & Diva Discussion

This week’s topic is fairly ambiguous…
What constitutes “sexy” in a member of the opposite sex?…


I am not going to include all that obligatory BS about how important “sense of humor,” “self confidence,” and “Fun Personality” is. I know some very funny, self confident hunch backed burn victims that have great personalities but don’t get dates… ever!

Back on topic…

As I grow older, I find that I have switched from the “sniper” days of my youth (when I had a fairly narrow view of what I thought was hot), to more of a shotgun blast approach (she has a pulse?… Great!).

Of course we are fed a fairly steady diet of what Hollywood, Women’s magazines, and the Fashion industry WANTS us to think is sexy, but fortunately, everyone is different as to what he/she likes.

Its kind of like NASCAR…

In NASCAR, you generally decide if you are a Gordon Fan or a Ernhardt Fan, and then pick the real driver that you follow.

So guys in general have a Category that we like (Red heads, big tits, legs etc) which relates to the Gordon/Ernhardt thing, and then we have the “reality” women (the driver we pull for every week).

That is to say, some guy might claim to love big breasts, but the women he dates/marries is slight of build. He might love Blondes, but has been dating a Brunette all his life.

Can’t explain it, I am just glad that the world works that way, otherwise guys like me would never have a shot at getting married.


If you want to know what is sexy to you, you can take these simple test! (ladies, take the test answering what you think that your man would answer)


and finally

Back to the trenches…


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