The Defeat of Superman

Lex Luthor triumphed. Superman’s lifeless body hung limp from the unusual rope around his neck.

“How did you do it?” a bystander asked.

“Simple actually. I discovered that Clark Kent was really Superman. Then I bribed Kent’s cleaning lady to give me all the vacuum cleaner bags out of Kent’s apartment. I paid extra for paper towels she used to clean the shower. I collected the loose hair that I found in the trash and fashioned them into a rope. The rest is… Tragedy…” Luthor’s voice trailed off before he started laughing.

Huck Foley, grovelling minion said:

Not to impugn the thoroughness of the planning of your fellow evil overlord, or anything LIKE that, perish forbid, but, sir, um, isn’t there a little bit of an application problem with Dr Luthor’s approach? How many minions would be expended in the process of tightening an indestructable noose on the Man of Steel, once they’ve caught him, and er how DO they catch him in the first place.
Just humbly raising the question, sir, and meaning no offense.

No worries. I didn’t plan that far ahead actually. I was actually picking hair out of the trap of my own shower when this little idea occured to me…

Perhaps he made it into a lasso and attached to to a large building. Superman was unprepared for the resistance and didn’t act accordingly… I’m not sure of the mechanics of it… It just made me laugh.

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