That was the week that was…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is borrowing a post title from good ole Tom Leherer. Damn that man was funny. One can suspect that he is still funny, although not performing. Sadly, this post will be neither funny nor informative. It will likely be crap.

Since it has been a few days you’ve probably been wondering, “Self, what has happened to my Maximum Leader? I feel lost without his inspired musings.” Well… Your Maximum Leader has been taking care of Maximum Leaderly things. You know like creating fake “balloon boy” stories to distract people from the real news. He has also be shuttling his handsome children from one activity to another. Damn. Those kids are doing a lot. Karate. Piano lessons. Sports. “Play dates.” It is crazy. Then when he’s had time to sit down and relax he’s been watching some early season hockey and now baseball playoffs. Blogging hasn’t seemed like a priority.

Even if blogging hadn’t seemed like a priority over the week, your Maximum Leader’s love of his minions has caused his fingers to itch for the keyboard so that he can share some thoughts about the week’s events with you all.

First off… Your Maximum Leader, as many of you know already, is not a big Rush Limbaugh fan. And when he says “not a big fan” he really means “not a fan at all.” Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader knows that Rush has said things in his 20 years on the air that have offended people. But to cite quotes that he apparently didn’t say in order to blackball him from a group trying to buy the St. Louis Rams football team is low. Very low. It is both lazy and inexcusable for the press to use unsourced books for gathering offensive Limbaugh quotes rather than actually trying to use the approximately 14,500 hours of recorded material from his radio show to get a quote. Your Maximum Leader feels pity and distain towards the reporters who started to circulate the fake quotes and he feels a little sympathy towards Rush Limbaugh. Your Maximum Leader knows that conservative commentators aren’t given any slack or even the benefit of doubt when it comes to racial issues; but this strikes him as being beyond the pale.

Having said that, your Maximum Leader doesn’t believe that the group dropping Limbaugh from investor list is a problem. That is a business transaction. These things happen. Frankly, the NFL saying that they didn’t want Limbaugh is a little much for your Maximum Leader; but that too is a business matter. Your Maximum Leader isn’t going to get worked up about this part of the story.

Your Maximum Leader has seen the tops of Meghan McCain’s boobs this week. Your Maximum Leader thinks that Meghan McCain is sorta cute. He is a little disappointed in the hullaballoo that has ensued after that photo got around. People need to lighten up some. If a paparazzi photo of her appeared on the internet showing her in a swimsuit would she still be a slut? Doubtful on that call. Sure this was a silly thing to do; but to jump all over her (metaphorically) is crazy.

While speaking of Meghan McCain… She seems to be writing for some web site and excoriating social conservatives for being… socially conservatives. Many conservatives don’t seem to believe that there is a place in the Republican party for Meghan McCain or others with similar beliefs. Perhaps we should all think back to 1994 when the Republican’s took back the House of Representatives. The “Contract with America” didn’t contain any major “socially conservative” clauses. (The reduction of welfare spending could be considered a budgetary matter with a social component.) The thrust of the contract was to reduce the size of the government and balance the budget. Now we know that the late Republican House didn’t end well on that count; but your Maximum Leader would argue that the future for the conservative movement, and Republican party, is to get back to the macro-economic issues and broad ideas on the size and scope of the federal government. Tabling some of the more divisive social agenda and actually producing on the economic/government side of the equation has been a winning formula in the past and should be in the future. It would likely be easier to have conservatives and Republicans coalesce around a few basic agreeable principles than to demand action on all fronts. (Indeed, just look at how action on all fronts seems to be working out for the President right now.)

Olympia Snowe voted to get the health care bill out of committee. That is sad news. One hopes that the liberal House will insist on keeping the poison-pill public-option in the bill and Olympia (and Susan Collins) will decided to opt out of the final bill. If Democrats want the bill they should pass the bill. They have the votes. It is clear that they want something resembling “bipartisanship” on the bill. But it is also clear that the votes aren’t really there. Just pass a bill if you have the balls to (which your Maximum Leader doubts). Otherwise just shut the hell up and try a different approach - like tort reform and removing some of the barriers to interstate insurance competition…

Oh yes… It looks like the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt might be back on the market soon. Good news for some lucky guy. (NB to JLH: call your Maximum Leader. He is not your love match. Well, perhaps an unrequited platonic love type of thing. He needs to sit you down and find out where your mind is. He fears you are becoming a needy emotional wreck like Jennifer Aniston. You don’t need to go down that path. You need to be more comfortable about yourself and less emotionally dependent on losers to validate your self-image… Your Maximum Leader is the only person from whom you need approval. Just call… And send photos… Preferably in a Naked Villainy T-shirt and Thong…)

Well… That is about it for now. Perhaps your Maximum Leader will blog more later. Perhaps not. He does know that he’s got a great weekend planned. Perhaps there will be photos in it for you later…

Carry on.

Mrs. Peperium said:

Wow. It had to be some week to get you to be a tad sympathetic for Rush…

; > )

You’re right. We don’t want a country where the NFL can’t say who they don’t want in their club. Those are the rules and we play by them. Considering who they have in their club and how frequently the eves of a Superbowls are marred by a player getting caught in a hotel with a hooker, their hypocrisy on not allowing Rush is rather delicious.

We also don’t want a country where the MSM, race pimps Rev. Jackson & Sharpton and the leader of the player’s Union are allowed to get away with Tortious interference - I had to look that up to make sure what I knew I was talking about. I’ve been thinking about what exactly occurred and so far - malicious slander/libel and professional jealousy - Tortious interference. In the coming days there may be more.

Rush said yesterday, he was approached by the investment group asking him to be a part. He did not solicit them. He told them of the firestorm that would errupt once it became known he was involved. The group assured him they had cleared his involvement at the highest levels of the NFL and that they wanted him.

His involvement was leaked. Once it became too hot, the group asked him to withdraw. He refused (for which I am glad) and said “You asked me to be a part of this. I’m not withdrawing. You fire me.” They did. They sent him a letter saying the following morning it would be announced. It was leaked that afternoon to ESPN.

It is now been leaked that George Soros was another member of this investment group. Rush said he had no knowledge if this was true. If it is, then all of this was the game plan by Soros all along. The other members of the investment group and the NFL were played like a fiddle.

As for your comments on Ms. Love Hewitt, heh.

Mrs. Peperium said:

Hey Maxy, after I left here I went to American Thinker - look :

October 16, 2009
The Search for the Wikipedia Libelist (important update)
Ralph Alter

Thanks to an intrepid blogger with the tag Trapdoc posting a letter to Mark Steyn, the search for the Wikipedia Libelist responsible for damaging posts to the Rush Limbaugh account has been narrowed to the IP address of a New York City law firm:

“The quotes were added by a user with the IP address of This address has been used mostly to make changes to the article about Rush, but also Karl Rove, Sean Hannity,.. James Dobson and Sara Palin from 2005 until earlier this year.

“While others have noted this in various forums, no one seems to have made the connection that this IP address is used as a gateway by the law firm Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP (see here, for example) that all users from that IP address come from the domain.)”

The firm provides a wide array of legal services with a broad spectrum of politically correct causes served:

“It is one of the first major firms in New York City to elect a woman as managing partner. In addition to its Diversity Committee, a group of Patterson Belknap attorneys formed PAC — Patterson Attorneys of Color — to assist with the enhancement of workplace diversity and the recruitment, retention and promotion of attorneys of color. Another group, Out at Patterson, focuses on issues relevant to the firm’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, and Women Lawyers at Patterson (WLAP) focuses on women’s issues.”

Considering Rush’s militant political incorrectness, there may be a large number of potentially culpable attorneys and/or staffers to choose from. However, a forensic data retrieval technician should surely be able to narrow the focus and identify the likely poster. Perhaps Rush can enlist the aid of PBWT alumni, Rudy Giuliani, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau or firm partner, Edward F. Cox, (son-in-law of former President, Richard M. Nixon) in his search for justice.

There is no question that Mr. Limbaugh has been damaged by the salacious quotes added to his Wikipedia profile and their dissemination in the PC-stream media. Hope this helps, Rush.

You know they say the only cure for a lawyer is another lawyer…..

Ralph Alter blogs at Right On Target

Update from Thomas Lifson:

Well, well, well, lookee here (from the firm’s own website)

Firm Establishes Sports Group
September 21, 2009

Growing Cross-Disciplinary Practice Handles Disputes and Transactions for Numerous Sports-Related Entities

NEW YORK, NY - September 21, 2009. Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP is pleased to announce the formal establishment of its interdisciplinary Sports Group. The firm’s work in this area dates back decades and includes high-profile disputes and transactions involving professional baseball, basketball, hockey, tennis and golf, as well as the representation of sports-related media entities. Among other matters on behalf of various leagues, teams, and other sports-related entities, over the last several years our attorneys regularly have litigated complex commercial matters, handled sensitive internal investigations issues, and provided corporate, intellectual property and charitable giving advice both in high-profile transactions and as day-to-day legal advisors.

Our Sports Group attorneys’ specific experience includes the representation of:

* A leading sports news network as a defendant in a case in which the plaintiff argued that fantasy sports games offered on its website constituted illegal gambling. The court dismissed this case of first impression with prejudice.
* Various investor groups as intellectual property counsel in their acquisitions and proposed acquisitions of Major League Baseball, National Hockey League and NASCAR teams.
* A professional sports league in an investigation of and issuance of a report concerning allegations made by a member team that a rival team violated the league’s anti-tampering rules.
* A professional sports hall of fame as plaintiff in a trademark infringement litigation culminating in a successful settlement requiring a change to defendant’s use of its mark.
* A major U.S. professional soccer league in its formation and launch.
* The seller of a Major League Baseball franchise in a breach of contract litigation with an investment bank.
* A leading regional sports network in connection with its broadcasting rights agreement to license professional baseball and basketball games to local television stations.
* A professional basketball team’s foundation in connection with its charitable activities.
* A not-for-profit organization formed to further New York City’s bid to host the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in connection with intellectual property matters.

Patterson Belknap’s Managing Partner, Bob LoBue, said, “To provide maximum value to our clients, it makes sense to combine in a single working group the full range of skills and experience that the firm has to offer to our sports industry clients. We believe our broad experience advising these entities will be a great asset to them going forward in today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment.”

The Sports Group includes leading Litigation, White Collar Defense and Investigations, Intellectual Property, Tax-Exempt Organizations and Corporate attorneys, including:


Peter C. Harvey is the former Attorney General of the State of New Jersey and the first African-American to hold that position. He is active in investigations and complex commercial litigation nationwide. His clients include sports-related and media and entertainment entities. Prior to becoming Attorney General, Mr. Harvey served as First Assistant Attorney General and the Director of the Division of Criminal Justice. He previously served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey.

Robert W. Lehrburger is a trial and appellate attorney who handles commercial and intellectual property matters, including false advertising, infringement (trademark, copyright and patent), licensing, unfair competition and other complex business disputes. He has written and lectured on a number of intellectual property and litigation topics ranging from deceptive advertising on the internet to domain name cybersquatting to trademark issues lurking in song titles and lyrics.

Daniel S. Ruzumna spent six years at the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, where he last served as Acting Chief of the Major Crimes Unit. His practice focuses on white collar criminal defense and related regulatory proceedings, internal investigations, and complex financial litigation. He has represented corporations and corporate executives in many recent high-profile criminal and regulatory investigations involving alleged violations of the securities laws, antitrust laws, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Saul B. Shapiro is a nationally recognized litigator and veteran of several high-profile sports industry disputes and investigations. His work includes the representation of professional sports leagues and television networks. He is noted consistently as a leading practitioner in Chambers USA, as well as a “Litigation Star” in Euromoney / Institutional Investor’s Benchmark: America’s Leading Litigation Firms and Attorneys. Mr. Shapiro is co-Chair of the firm’s Media and Entertainment Practice.


Karen R. Berry focuses her practice on intellectual property counseling, transactions, and licensing matters, and has particular skill in internet and new media, including “virtual world” issues. She handles software licensing, trademark licensing and a broad range of other agreements for clients that include sports-related entities and individuals. Ms. Berry is a frequent speaker on intellectual property issues concerning for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.

William F. Gaske is a tax-exempt organizations lawyer advising on corporate structures and governance, corporate sponsorships, charitable contributions and solicitations and other tax, corporate and general legal matters. He also represents clients before the Internal Revenue Service in matters involving audits, private letter rulings and requests for technical assistance and assists clients with matters under review by the New York Attorney General’s office.

Daniel C. Glazer is a nationally recognized intellectual property attorney who has handled several high-profile sports-related transactions. He frequently appears in the national media as a commentator on legal issues in sports (including on CNN, ESPN, NBC, FOX, MSNBC and NPR), has published numerous articles on sports law topics in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, and The Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law, and has been profiled in The New York Law Journal regarding his activities in the field. Mr. Glazer has been recommended by Legal 500 U.S. in the category of Sports Law.

Contacts for the Sports Group are Saul B. Shapiro (212-336-2163/ for Litigation matters; Daniel S Ruzumna (212-336-2034/ for Investigations; and Daniel C. Glazer (212-336-2523/ for Transactional matters.

Howdy Mrs P. I know Rush doesn’t need my sympathy. But he has it anyway. It annoys me to no end when conservatives are mistreated by the press in a way that no liberal is mistreated. Of course, I could scream myself blue in the face and that wouldn’t change anything.

If what you have written about Soros being in the group is true then this whole situation is even worse.

I don’t know how one would go about prosecuting libel in this case. From my limited knowledge of these things I believe Rush has actually been libeled here. But who started what and who is ultimately culpable would be hard to track down. I also wonder if it would serve any purpose to persue a case. (Any purpose other than enriching some attorneys.) I probably wouldn’t try to make a case of the situation. Then again… I’m not Rush…

I am also growing weary of the NFL. They are, as you point out, poseurs who turn blind eyes to their own failings and point out the plank in their neighbor’s eye.

As for JLH… I could be her platonic love match… I would be happy to guide her through these troubles she seems to be having… And photos would be helpful…

Mrs. Peperium said:

The great thing about Rush is that he knows his audience won’t depart over this. He has been libeled even by people like Chris Matthews. But he hasn’t had his ability to work taken away nor whatever $$$ he was putting forth in the deal so he doesn’t have to sue.

Will he? Time will tell, I guess.

I used to be really into the NFL. Green Bay was my team. But the truth is, I’ve been moving more and more into college ball. The NFL has become too vulgar in so many ways. Detroit hosting the Superbowl just put it over the top. This will sound completely vulgar but it’s the truth - it was as if they dressed up a noteable old whore to receive all the gentleman callers she could take, then they left and the old whore - Detroit- was dead.

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