Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is glad to be able to type. He feared that the copious amounts of gravy he consumed yesterday would congeal in his arteries and cause his fingers not to bend. But, things didn’t turn out that way.
While your Maximum Leader was sitting back after his repast (with the Happy Thanksgiving messages being broadcast over the Villainschloss public address system), he turned on the news. And saw that President Bush had traveled to Baghdad to visit with the troops. What a great thing to do. Your Maximum Leader was quite impressed. (But he reads that Allah is not too impressed at a lost opportunity.)
Your Maximum Leader is saddened that other plans for world dominiation keep him away from the Minister of Agriculture’s farm today. He would like to partake of the ritual slaughtering of the fatted (organically fattened that is) steers.
Your Maximum Leader hops you all had a great day of feasting. Now get back to your minionly ways. Or better yet. Go shopping and boost the economy some. And before signing off, since when have the major news outlets publically broadcast this day as “Black Friday.” And that moniker is always followed very quickly by “the day that retailers go from the red to the black.” Your Maximum Leader will put on his “the regular media bias cap” for a moment. Your Maximum Leader has always watched the news, and this is the first day after Thanksgiving that he has ever heard the appelation “Black Friday” used to describe this day. Normally the tag “Black + [day of the week]” means the stock market crashed and thousands of brokers defenestrated themselves. Is this another plot to make Americans feel badly about the economy despite news to the contrary? Your Maximum Leader thinks so.
Carry on.