
Greeting, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is going to be taking his family on a road trip next month.

Your Maximum Leader and his family will be going to Graceland.

Now orginally the trip was going to be very focused on Memphis. But in light of the terrible flooding in Memphis your Maximum Leader is changing things up and spending more time in Nashville. It looks like Nashville days will be June 23 and 25. Your Maximum Leader is going to try to get to Graceland on June 24.

If you live in Tennessee and would like to possibly meet up with your Maximum Leader, drop him a line via email.

Carry on.

Fear and Loathing in Georgetown said:

Two words:
Rendezvous Ribs.

Ah yes. Love Rendezvous ribs. I’ve actually ordered from hogsfly.com once before. I had a craving that couldn’t be tamed and I shelled out the cash to have the ribs delivered.

I also am a big fan of Neely’s.

Mageen said:

Know about Nashville. Family members living in northeastern Alabama had to evacuate after the E5. No power, no water, no food, etc. etc. But Nashville had all that good stuff including laundramats and some good stuff for the kids. They have since returned home (undamaged, thank God!) and have a fickle sort of electrical power and some sort of school day for the kids. Home sweet home really is but they will always remember Nashville for the city that helped them out.

I didn’t know they evacuated to Nashville. I am glad no one was hurt and their property was undamaged.

I have some friends in AL as well, they survived without personal losses as well. Tis a blessing to be able to say it.

Card's wife said:

Always wanted to visit Graceland. Take lots of pictures please.

Card’s Wife - You need to tell Card to take you to Graceland. It is a moral and patriotic imparitive that you go. I will take photos. I’ll even try to post some… I think I have a photo of a round bed, with a half-dome canopy, covered in angora from a previous visit that you might enjoy…

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