
I’m sick and tired of all this liberal media bias and the government’s persecution of good solid conservatives.

Spitzer may have hired a prostitute, but he didn’t kill her like Ted Kennedy killed his girlfriend four decades ago.

Democrats may scream about Spitzer’s prostitute, but Senator Byrd was a member of the Klan.

Spitzer may have hired a prostitute, but at least he didn’t lie under oath like Bill Clinton.


Spitzer’s a Democrat?

(/rabid conservative talk show host)

Never mind.

1 Comment »
Huck Foley, grovelling minion said:

He’s what? A Democrite? Are you sure? They sure didn’t mention that on CNN or NPR. Are you getting your news from one of those hatemongering rightwing hate sites? Because I’ve heard they’re full of … like, hate and stuff.
So I can only conclude that this reportage is wrong, and that Mr Spitzer is either a Rethuglican or, if he IS a Democrite, then he must have been working under cover, yeah that’s it, working undercover to bring down the evil prosecution ring. Prostitution ring, I mean. Yeah.

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