Smallholder = Sauraman

If Smallholder is a character out of the Lord of the Rings, he would either be Sauraman or Lord Denethor. When the going gets tough… he succumbs to what he preceives to be the inevitable (at best) or completely switches sides (at worst).

Smallholder is the kind of player that quits when he thinks he is beaten, but well before he is actually beaten.

Now, Its kind of unfair of you to say “lets not take into account the Clinton Presidency”. I will only bring it up only as proof that both sides hands are very dirty.

Look, some of the stuff you posted IS true, and the penalty will be paid by those involved…

But a lot of that stuff hasn’t been proven and the evidence is mighty thin.

The Democrat answer to the Bush presidency has not been by running a WINNER against him or even pushing “better” policy for the American people.

It has bee to paint the Bush adminsitration as corrupt, lying and untrustworthy. But the worst action that is being taken by the Democrats is Undermining our war efforts for the sake of political gain.

This is a strategy that will come back to haunt the Democrats. If the Dems are successful in 06 & 08, don’t think that for a moment that every accusation, charge, or crime that we even think might stick on a Dem won’t be thrown at them. For after all, your post shows that they don’t have to be right or even proven to change public opinion.

back to the trenches

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The Smallholder isn’t an agribusinessman, but he plays one on TV.

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