RCBfA Project

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the membership of the RCBfA may soon be growing and a number of august sites are doing what they can to promote art on the interwebs. He has decided that he must - as it is an imperative - follow suit. Some selections (upon which you can clicky to embiggen):

Thomas Couture’s “Decadence of the Romans” (1847 - Musee D’Orsay)
Roman Decadence
Is there any decadence quite like Roman decadence? Your Maximum Leader thinks not…

Felix Trutat’s “Girl on Panther Skin” (1844 - Musee D’Orsay)
Nude Girl on Panther Skin
Your Maximum Leader has often suggested that fur becomes a lady.

In keeping with the lounging theme:
Titian’s “Venus D’Urbino” (1538 - Galleria degli Uffizi)
Your Maximum Leader loves Titian. (So does Christine apparently…)

Or perhaps:
David’s “Mars disarmed by Venus and the three Graces” (1824 - Musees des Beaux-Artes, Brussels)
Mars disarmed by Venus et al
Allow your Maximum Leader to go on the record and say that it would take a bit more than a sea-foam girl and her three skinny friends to disarm your Maximum Leader. He packs heat enough for the four of them…

Carry on.

virgil xenophon said:

Titian’s “Portrait of a Man” would become you as your avatar, oh villainous one!

virgil xenophon said:

PS: If you google it, I have a copy of the blue background
version on left which I purchased at the Tate in 1970. As usual, it is more impressive, live and textured than any photo or print. The sheer subtle, but powerful “presence” of the subject gradually impresses to make what would be an otherwise pretty standard treatment by others’ hands a
satisfying “experience.” The quiet powerful confidence this work exudes is all in the eyes.

Well, RC girls are for art, too.

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