OCD question…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader recently enjoyed dinner at a friend’s house. These friends are very well off and have a large lovely home. A few other couples were at dinner as well…

The rest of this post may not be for the faint of heart…

So… After dinner, your Maximum Leader felt the need for a consitutional. He went to the WC and discovered it was lovely smelling. Your Maximum Leader did what needed be done and noticed a small spray bottle of air freshener on the back of the toilet…

Here is the question. Does one:

a) spray, then wash hands?
b) wash hands, then spray?
c) wash hands, then spray, then wash hands again?

Think about it. There are interesting implications to all three answers, not just for oneself, but for the other people using that particular lavatory.

Feel free to discuss…

Carry on.

Rachel said:

C, I think. You don’t know whether the other users opted for A or B.

I opted for “C” myself. Just to be safe.

polymath said:

Could there also be an option to use the vent fan, if said lavatory was so equipped? Sometimes pretty smells do not overcome all odors on their own (not to imply the ML has a problem, just exploring all possibilities).
“C” is my option, no matter how OCD it may appear.

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