
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader figured he’d tell you all not to expect much posting from him in the next few days. His glorious supercomputer is on the fritz. It seems as though something has become corrupt in the OS. It is so bad that your Maximum Leader was on the phone with Microsoft for 5 hours yesterday. They are stumped. (Well, honestly the good techs at their Nova Scotia call center are stumped. Thanks Tommy - your Maximum Leader knows you tried your best. Thanks your friends too.) We did everything you can imagine. We even reinstalled the whole operating system. About the only thing we didn’t do was reformat the hard drive and rebuild all the s/w from scratch. (Which your Maximum Leader imagines will be the next step.)

Indeed, the call center is so stumped that they are having someone big-wig developer from HQ in Seattle call your Maximum Leader next.

So, your Maximum Leader is going to be taking a little hiatus from blogging, and e-mail, for the next few days. He will do his best to respond to any e-mail you send as he is able.

Carry on.

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