New Yawk Trip

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wrote yesterday about his desire to go to New York City and see the lovely and talented Lola Astanova’s Carnegie Hall debut on January 19, 2012. He speculated that he would go with Mrs Villain.

Well… He is going to go to New York to see Miss Astanova’s Carnegie Hall debut. But he is not going with Mrs Villain. He is going with Villainette #2.

Villainette #2 has always been fascinated with the whole idea of New York City. The tall buildings. The crowds. The hustle. She has been after your Maximum Leader for about a year to take her to New York for a little trip. Well. This concert became the trip. We will likely take the train up to the city on Thursday morning and return Friday night. We will probably hit the Empire State Building and the Met while we are there.

And Carnegie Hall of course.

Tickets to the concert are purchased and tickets on the train are next. Then comes the tough part. Finding a decent hotel that will not cost a kings ransom.

Carry on.

Robbo said:

FWIW, when Mrs. Robbo and the middle gel went up for Model U.N., they stayed in the Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge. I don’t remember the actual cost, but I know I didn’t have heart failure about it. Mrs. R also said it was a nice place and very convenient for getting into things in Manhattan.

Thank you. When I did my model UN back in HS, I stayed at the Hotel Pennsylvania - right across from Madison Sq Garden. It was sorta dumpy, but it was certainly convenient to everything.

I mentally prepared myself to spend about $200 on the hotel. Thanks to scouring the interwebs and making a few calls, I got a nice room overlooking Central Park at the Helmsley Park Lane for what I’d budgeted. I’m lucky that we are only a few blocks away from Carnegie Hall. We are a nice walk through the park to the Met as well. So it is working out for us.

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