Nazification of Confederacy
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was reading through his National Review magazine and came across one of the articles on the VA Senate race. In it, an interesting term was cited from James Webb’s book “Born Fighting.” Here is an extended quote from the book which your Maximum Leader will post without comment.
The greatest disservice… has been the attempt by these revisionist politicians and academics to defame the entire Confederate Army in a move that can only be termed the Nazification of the Confederacy. Often cloaked in the argument over the public display of the Confederate battle flag, the syllogism goes something like this. Slavery was evil. The soldiers of the Confederacy fought for a system that wished to preserve it. Therefore they were evil as well, and any attempt to honor their service is a veiled effort to glorify the cause of slavery. This blatant use of the race card in order to inflame their political and academic constituencies is a tired, seemingly endless game that is itself perhaps the greatest legacy of the Civil War’s aftermath. But in this case it dishonors hundreds of thousands of men who can defend themselves only through the voices of their descendants.
Carry on.