Nationals Sold to Lerner Group

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is pleased. Pleased that MLB has finally gotten off its collective arse and sold the Washington Nationals franchise to the investor group lead by Ted Lerner.

As your Maximum Leader has mentioned before, he has some indirect ties to the Lerner’s. He hopes these translate into some choice seats at a few games in upcoming seasons.

Speaking of upcoming seasons… They look to be rocky for the Nationals. According to Ted Lerner and Stan Kasten (who will be the new club President), the plan to build a strong franchise in DC is a long-term one. One that relies on good scouting, drafting, and an outstanding farm system. Just being able to type those words makes your Maximum Leader grin. Old school. Yes… The new owners are Old School. Just like your Maximum Leader…

Carry on.


The Curse Of Bobby Kennedy Strikes Again

The Nats drop another one at RFK. The only difference last night was that instead of blowing a lead in the late innings, they managed to claw their way back from an early three run deficit, tie it up…

The Indians followed that prescription for years. Its a good plan. However, you have to remember not to trade your best players just to keep your farm system stocked. Otherwise, you end up being a farm system for the rest of the Major Leagues.

My wife is, I’m afraid, the cause of the Nat’s loss. For well over a decade, she has seen her team lose everytime she has been physically present at the game. I had hoped that our moving to DC would help the Indians, but alas that has not been the case. I will have to limit Mrs. Buckethead’s attendence if that Nats are to have any hope.

The Indians followed that prescription for years. Its a good plan. However, you have to remember not to trade your best players just to keep your farm system stocked. Otherwise, you end up being a farm system for the rest of the Major Leagues.

My wife is, I’m afraid, the cause of the Nat’s loss. For well over a decade, she has seen her team lose everytime she has been physically present at the game. I had hoped that our moving to DC would help the Indians, but alas that has not been the case. I will hve to limit Mrs. Buckethead’s attendence if that Nats are to have any hope.

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