Man sells wedding dress on E-bay!

Ok, if you have not seen it yet… check it out! Good for a laugh

I need to post more, it is turning into the smallholder show.

Back to the trenches…..

Update from the Maximum Leader: Yes, you do.

Anonymous said:

Leyden’ rel=”nofollow”>Leyden’s Log : Week Ten
13 Nov 05 00:00:00 PST
WXYZ - … for machine-gunners, the amount of material needed for a wedding dress, the measure of a proper piece of chow fun, you …
Wedding Dresses said:

Leyden’s Log : Week Ten

Leyden’s Log : Week Ten
13 Nov 05 00:00:00 PST
WXYZ - … for machine-gunners, the amount of material needed for a wedding dress, the measure of a proper piece of chow fun, you …
Microburst/Tornado/Windy-Rainy Terror.

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