Love. It.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s friend FLG sent him a link to a page with a title that read thus: Art Peaks Forever as Two Chicks Lightsaber Battle in Their Underwear Without Irony. FLG comments that your Maximum Leader “might like this.”

Might like it? Hell. Your Maximum Leader LOVES IT.

For your viewing pleasure:

Carry on.

MAS1916 said:

Man… does Obama know about this?

Kevin Kim said:

Is he sure this is without irony?

I don’t know. I am choosing to view it without irony.

Elisson said:

Without irony? Perhaps… but, like as not, not without woody.

Ellison… You have hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head.

Which now in an odd stream of consciousness way reminds me of that scene in “Real Genius” where Val Kilmer asks the hot chick what it will take to get her to sleep with him and she responds “drive a penny nail through a 2×4 with you penis.” Kilmer protest that the task is a difficult one, she declares that a “girl has got to have her standards.”

Did we notice that the hot chicks with the lightsabers in this video are also the video producers? I appreciate hot chicks producing media like this. God bless ‘em.

I like your site, we seem to have much in common.

Good luck with your Nats, but as for your AL East predictions, sorry to inform you the Yanks are winning the East this year, Boston will be the Wild Card.

Yes, we have had a slow start but Teixeira will pick up steam and ARod will be back soon….our middle relief still remains are major achilles heel.

Joba should NOT be a starter…..returning him to his ‘07 role would shorten games and be a bridge to Mo.

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