Listmania, Day 1

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader once made a series of lists with some college friends of his. The most famous of these lists (among the group of friends) was the list of “The most attractive women in the universe ever.” That list resided on your Maximum Leader’s refridgerator for many years.

For some reason over the long weekend your Maximum Leader decided to dedicate this (abbreviated) week to listmania. Every day he will post a different list for your reading pleasure. Without further introduction… Here is day one’s submission…


1. Irving Berlin
2. Johnny Cash
3. Bob Dylan
4. Randy Newman
5. Woody Guthrie
6. Oscar Hammerstein II
7. Bruce Springsteen
8. Townes Van Zandt
9. Jerry Lieber & Mike Stoller
10. Prince

There you have the list. The more your Maximum Leader regards this list the more he should note to you all that unless otherwise noted all his lists are in no particular order. In this case they are in no particular order, just 10 names who each could qualify as the greatest American poet/songwriter. Your Maximum Leader, if pushed, would likely stand by Berlin and Cash as 1 and 2 respectively. If he was pushed to rank the others he would probably mix up that order a little.

Tomorrow… The greatest leaders in the history of the world.

Carry on.

Kevin Kim said:

Am I correct in observing that the list contains no women?

Indeed you are correct. Since reading your comment, I wondered if I was missing a woman (or two) that I should have considered. I even went through my iPod and tried to find some women poet/songwriters that might qualify. I had to seriously consider the pairing of Amy Ray and Emilie Sailers (who are the Indigo Girls). I decided that they didn’t quite make my cut.

Of course, this list is greatly influenced by my own tastes and knowledge…

Danny O'Minion said:

You put Prince on the list and omit Cole Porter???

Are you on drugs?

And Randy Newman’s got a good solid talent, but he’s no Holland-Dozier-Holland:

Damn! Cole Porter! I totally forgot Cole Porter. Well… This does show the need for comments…

I don’t know that I’d supplant Randy Newman for Holland-Dozier-Holland. They could supplant Prince however… The real question is who should make room for Cole Porter? It would likely be Bruce Springsteen. Guthrie, Dylan and Springsteen are, in many ways, variations on a theme.

I put Prince on the list because he does appeal to my secret prurient side…

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