Jackfest Photoblogging.

Smallholder with his son’s Godfathers.

From left to right are the Maximum Leader, Smallholder, and the Foreign Minister.

Hold yourselves back, ladies. We’re taken.

Jack protests the ritual. “It burrrrrnnnsss ussss, nassssty protessssstants!”

At Sweet Seasons Farm, it is our tradition to eat flesh to commemorate major life events. The Minister of Propaganda joined us in roasting a home-grown pig for Jack’s party, an activity that requires the copious consumption of beer. The above picture is proof that your Naked Villains are real, rootin’-tootin’, carnivorous, manly men among men. Well, all of us except for Fabienne.


Your photo privileges are hereby provoked.

Tilesey said:

Family ritual pictures or getting-to-know-your-new-masters pics for the New World Order?

sadie said:

Hehee. Fabienne!

To address Tilesey’s comment… Think of them as a little of both…

Sadie, love, you’re supposed to be defending me while I’m on vacation, not laughing it up at my expense.

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