In Dee Cee

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, until a few moments ago, completely forgot that he will be in Dee Cee for business tomorrow and Friday. This means two possible things to you all.

First, there will likely not be much blogging tomorrow or Friday.

Second, if you are a loyal reader and in Dee Cee and would like to meet up with your Maximum Leader tomorrow after 4pm you should give him a call. By call he means shoot him an e-mail.

BTW, if you a really nice your Maximum Leader might buy a drink…

Carry on.


Having been in the Court of the Maximum Leader, I can testify to his good company and generosity with the beverages.

Ah, good times. Good times

Our friend Skippy is too kind… But ladies just take this into consideration. Skippy is a guy. If your Maximum Leader was generous with drinks with him… And you happen to be cute…

Plus you’d be drinking for two. I can’t have alcohol during the period I am taking drugs for my recent ailment.

To be fair, our Maximum Leader is only telling half the story. Yes, I am a guy, but I have an innocent schoolgirl charm and legs that go all the way to the floor.

Ah, the stories I could tell about that night. But I’ve said too much. Far too much.

Mo said:

If only the CPAC was this week, or you were in town last week! Darn the luck :-( We could have met up at the Omni Shoreham lounge. It was just teeming with conservatives as well as bloggers. There’s a Metro stop within a block (which, in hindsight, I wish we’d taken). What a freakin’ nightmare navigating about. Next time we need to breakdown and look at an actual map, and plan our own route. (Still p.o.’d at MapQuest. grrr…)

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    • maxldr


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