Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been thinking about the object of his platonic affections, the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt. He’s not been thinking about all the press she is getting as a result of her appearing “fat” in those bikini photos (to which your Maximum Leader linked a few posts ago).
He’s been thinking about her future as the object of his platonic affections.
He’s decided that when the dreamy Miss Hewitt ties the knot with her betrothed, she will cease to be the object of platonic affections.
Yes, your Maximum Leader is throwing Miss Hewitt under the proverbial bus because she’s decided to get hitched.
So your Maximum Leader is on the lookout for a new woman that he can call dreamy and write meaningless posts about.
If you would like to suggest an attrative single woman, feel free to do so in the comments. Your Maximum Leader is leaning towards the lovely, talented, and Slavic (Tagik?) Lola Astanova as the new object of his affection.
Have you heard of Lola Astanova? Her album (named appropriately “Debut” - available exclusively at iTunes) has been played and played on his iPod recently. Here is a Wiki page on Miss Astanova.
Here is a video of Miss Astanova on Fox Business on November 1.
Here is another video for your edification, this time from some morning program…
Yes… Lola…
Carry on.