Immorality of Immortality?

Those of you in our own little corner of the blogosphere who have been following the illustrious Bill’s conversations on the topic of immortality, the Minister of Agriculture hereby directs you to Classical Values.

I’m a “life is good” kind of guy. While recognizing the incredible social upheaval immortality wil engender, I also think people ought not to die if they can avoid it.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the oak tree I planted last week grow to a hundred-foot behemoth? To watch my great-great-great grandchildren get married? To try different careers?

Naysayers bring up overpopulation, pollution, unemployment, bankrupt pension programs and a host of other issues.

But perhaps immortality would spur us to really try to solve many problems. Currently our democracy thinks very short term: Give us tax cuts now even if our grandkids will be saddled with the debt. If we were the ones who would have to pay the bills for this Congress’ spendthrift profligacy, perhaps we would demand that our representatives begin acting like adults. Perhaps enivornmental issues would acquire more urgency if it was our own long term interests being compromised for short term gain.

That’s all just firing from the hip. The subject deserves a longer post than I am willing to contsruct right now. So go over to Classical Values.

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