How progressive is your Maximum Leader?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that our friend Irish Elk has taken a test to measure how “progressive” he is. Your Maximum Leader decided to try it out himself. And the results are:

Your Ideological Score is:
This makes you conservative. The average score for Americans is 209.5.

Take the quiz yourself here.

Apparently conservative Republicans have a mean score of 160. So your Maximum Leader, like Irish Elk, is just off the charts conservative… One wonders when Speaker Pelosi will try and tax your Maximum Leader out of existance… Just to quell the outrage of course…

Carry on.

Polymath said:

Why would the creators of this quiz classify “McCain 2008 voters” as more conservative than “Conservatives?”

I scored a 77. Does that make me a “Reactionary Wacko?”

marvin said:

I got a 38 out of 400. I think more people would have scored as low as me, if the author of the quiz actually understood the debates a little better.

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