Happy Year of the Ox

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader believes that there was too much to celebrate this past weekend. Take for example the beginning of the Year of the Ox. Normally your Maximum Leader tries to do something special to celebrate the Lunar New Year. This year it snuck up on him. He didn’t realize it was coming until it was already upon him.

Your Maximum Leader should have tried harder to find out when the Year of the Ox was beginning… When he mentioned it to his villainous family yesterday Villainette #1 cried out “Yay! It’s my year!” Your Maximum Leader wasn’t sure what she was talking about, he looked at her and said “Quoi?” She said “I’m an Ox. This is my year! How fun!” Then your Maximum Leader realized that Villainette #1 will be 12 years old this year. She will, later in the year, have made it through a whole zodiac cycle. It made your Maximum Leader feel a little old actually…

Happy Lunar New Year!

Carry on.

maggie said:

Speaking of pivotal events, can’t believe your first born will be 12! Seems like yesterday, doesn’t it!

And Bobby Burns will be how old?
And how best to celebrate the bard?

Charles said:

It happens to my year as well, although I may have a few cycles on Villainette #1…

Charles said:

Er, that was supposed to be: “It happens to *be* my year as well.”

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