Got nuthin folks

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is in the midst of a very long brain fart (so to speak). He finds that he occasionally has had an idea about which he might write a post, but it flies from his mind very quickly. He will try and focus on something and write.

Of course, the fact that a squadron of Marine Osprey’s has been buzzing over him for two days now doesn’t help his concentration. When your Maximum Leader was out yesterday he was able to catch one of the Ospreys on his cell phone.


He figures this one was about 250 feet up when the photo was clicked. They seemed to be flying all around at that altitude most of the day. They were a little noisier than he thought they would be… But then again… Your Maximum Leader used to live a few miles away from Oceana Naval Air Station. The Osprey is nuthin’ compared to a Navy F-18 taking off with afterburners. So it is all relative.

Carry on.

Eric said:

… those Ospreys sure are strange, aren’t they?….. no wonder you can’t concentrate!….

quasimodo said:

That sure is a big fish it has in its talons. I’ll bet it has awesome bo-staff skills.

I think the term more appropriate to your condition is called, “vapor lock”.

Doesn’t happen on newer models, of course, what with electronic ignition, but the old conventionally aspirated models would experience this in the heat of being overworked.

Vapor lock. Heh. Very good. I think that is what I’ve got.

And those Ospreys are strange looking creatures. I have to admit that from time to time as I was being buzzed I feared for a catastrophic failure and crash… But I comforted myself by thinking that it is unlikely that the Marines would be testing their planes over populated areas if they didn’t have a good feeling about safety.

Polymath said:

A couple of summers ago a lone Osprey made daily round-trips over our mountain. An impressive piece of machinery.

Bill said:

This loyal minion is further gone than vapor lock. He is totally out of gas. It is like it all looks the same. I can’t find the energy to rise the inanities of any politician, and even matters of principle seem to be not worth commenting on. It’s like it is all the same grey haze. I have some major essays partly finished that I cannot find the motivation to complete. Maybe it is the time of year.

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