Gettysburg + 150 years

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader notes that it is about 10:20am (Eastern Daylight Time) on July 1. At this hour 150 years ago Confederate forces were forcing back Union Cavalry just to the west of the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. (Depending on how one reckons the hour (as there is Daylight Saving Time now), General Reynolds’ reinforcements were just coming on the scene.)

Your Maximum Leader is glad to see that national news outlets (and many local ones) are covering the anniversary. It is important that we remember watershed moments in our history. Your Maximum Leader was (at first) a little disappointed to not hear much in the news about the anniversaries of some of the other major battles that have already happened. Then he realized that the battles that have celebrated their 150th already are often Confederate victories. (Like Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville - both of which are right here in your Maximum Leader’s immediate vicinity.) So perhaps it is better that they went mostly un-noticed as the Union victories will start rolling through our calendar. (Gettysburg, Vicksburg, The Wilderness, Petersburg and Richmond)

Earlier in the year your Maximum Leader’s family went to visit Gettysburg and observe (before the craziness of July set in) the 150th in our own way. If your Maximum Leader is able tonight, he might post some more thoughts (and photos) on Gettysburg.

In the meanwhile, you should remember those that fought and died in the US Civil War. You should ponder why they fought and what that means to us today.

Carry on.

1 Comment »

At the risk of incurring Our Maximum Leader’s displeasure, I’d say that it’s important to ponder ALL of the highlights of the War. The Union victory at Gettysburg takes on all the more significance when one recalls the string of draws and defeats at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville - and the resultant politickal hair-trigger - that led up to it.

(And, because I’m commenting a couple days after the fact, may I also point out that today is the anniversary of the bushwhacking of the Braddock Expedition at the outset of the French and Indian War?)

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