The mimimum wage should not be raised.
Raising the minimum wage will not help the poor - most workers already make more than the minimum wage. But the minimum wage is by definition inflationary - so the people who are at the bottom of the pay scale will see their dollars truncated; their buying power will actually decrease.
Will’s citation of high school drop-out rates is another example of how the poor will be harmed by raising the minimum wage.
Finally, perhaps the greatest problem of the American underclass is that our society does not allow the natural consequences of a poor work ethics to operate.
The comments about Will’s article are interesting. No one seems to be disputing his evidence: They simply say “nuh-uh!”
Of particular interest are the people who say that Will should work for minimum wage. They illustrate the fact that they miss the point. Will’s pay is already set by the market. His skill and education have allowed him to command a high salary. Hard-working people, simply put, do not make minimum wage.
Nor are they displaced by illegal immigrants - another canard advanced by the innumerate detractors in the Post comment section.