Epic Poet Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was out looking for something quick to post… And here is another quiz, the results of which please your Maximum Leader.

Which Epic Poet Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as P. Vergilius Maro

You are Vergil, author of The Aeneid. Your epic meditates upon broad themes of history and fate, as well as especially glorifying Rome and your patron Augustus. Your perfectionism is notorious; it was said you would start a day with forty lines and end with four.

P. Vergilius Maro


Torqauto Tasso


John Milton




Dante Alighieri


Your Maximum Leader was a little surprised that he wasn’t Milton - whom he has always enjoyed a lot. And for the sake of being honest, your Maximum Leader has never heard (or never remembers hearing about) Tasso prior to this quiz…

Your Maximum Leader was recently talking about Vergil with Villainette #2 who is studying Ancient Rome now in school. He even pulled out one of his many copies of The Aeneid to have her read some. (She read in English, but saw the Latin on the opposite page.)

Carry on.


Oh yeah. I’m Vergil.

P. Vergilius Maro
Dante Alighieri
John Milton
Torqauto Tasso

Charles said:

What the heck? I got Vergil, too.

virgil xenophon said:

Virgil or Vergil?? Potato or Potaato? Discuss. By the way, one glaring omission from your Pantheon of cultural sites is the Victoria & Albert
in London. Check out its almost two floors worth of Chinese por-
celin–largest outside of Taiwan and China itself. You should list the
one in Taiwan. Is the Nat. Museum of China you list the old nom-
enclature for the one in Taiwan? My memory fades as I was last there in 1968. PS: Virgil my actual middle name. ( Last time I posted was pre-Katrina when we were discussing Hungarian Bulls Blood wine, so its been a while…..I’m from N.O., but currently sitting here
in Marina del Rey as I post. I’m “bi-coastal”, but not in the std.
E-W way.)

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