Emerson’s M-16

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wanted to thank the M of A for a good post on the M-16. To address some Emerson issues… The Supreme Court does have the final say in interpretation (except in cases where the Congress uses its power to keep the court from deciding a case). But, when the Supreme Court declined to review a case from an Appellate District, that Appellate Case holds the same authority until reviewed by the Supreme Court (if that ever happens). Furthermore, your Maximum Leader doesn’t believe that his position has changed. He has always maintained that it is an individual right to gun ownership. And as for writing about the M of A’s “proverbial arse…” Your Maximum Leader just likes typing the word arse, especially when refering to the Minister of Agriculture.

And as for the journey of a thousand miles… The journey of a thousand miles sometimes ends very, very badly.

Carry on.

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