Drink the magic 8 ball juice…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t have much time today. It being Halloween and all. Villainette #1 is home sick (day three actually - persistant virus).

But from our friend FLG we do have a very interesting post to share with you all.

Click here to visit Rooked Again…

Your Maximum Leader will have to keep an eye on Mr Perry.

Carry on.

CS Perry said:

Well…I’m not really sure of the appropriate etiquette one should use when addressing the Maximum Leader. So I’ll just acknowledge your Highest Malevolence and let it go at that. Or maybe I should bone up on all the occult teachings I can find and come up with some hokey and ancient hand-shake or Villainous Gang-Sign that might relate my ability to “Hang” with others who have achieved a level of villainy that I have only dreamed of in my own midnight solitude. And since it is, after all, Halloween, I won’t keep you any longer than is necessary.
Just rest assured that I’ll be keeping as close an eye on you as you will on me. I’ve made a lot of enemies in my time and the only reason I’m still alive is because I think everything is a trap.
I do appreciate the link but, as I sit here imagining you fiendishly rubbing your hands together and peering down on your minions from the highest window of your tower at “Castle Villainy” perched high on a craggy cliff on the edge of a rough sea, I will just say that Villainy is as Villainy does and the sword of Damocles hangs over many heads in times like these.

Fear and Loathing in Georgetown said:

Get it right! Villianschloss, not Castle Villainy.

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Methinks thou art a general offence, and every man should beat thee.

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