De Plane Khaaaaan! De Plane!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been rather busy with life of late and has let his blogging (and X-box playing before you all start going off thinking the worst) go. Sorry ’bout that.

Your Maximum Leader has just read on the Washington Post that Ricardo Montalban has died, aged 88.

Your Maximum Leader used to love Fantasy Island. He also is a huge fan of Star Trek II. It is as a fan of those works that Mr. Montalban’s passing is noted.

Now your Maximum Leader is imagining Montalban (in Khan garb) demanding “SMILES EVERYONE! SMILES!” on the dock at Fantasy Island…

Imagine that yourself.

Carry on.

1 Comment »

And, Patrick McGoohan, famous for the best tv show ever, The Prisoner, also died today. Strangely, I had just read an article in Wired about the new Prisoner show, starring Ian McKellen and Jim Caviezel maybe five minutes before I saw the news about the original #6.

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