Day Game

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is busy now trying to get all of his business attended to in a few hours so that he can go to the Nationals v Red Stockings game today at 1:05. It is too bad that the weather today is not a glorious as it was yesterday. Damn, yesterday was a perfect day for a baseball game.

Now your Maximum Leader can hope that the Nats can raise their record to 2-6 at home…

This is the first (non-weekend) day game your Mximum Leader has attended in a long time. In fact he believes the last (non-weekend) day game your Maximum Leader attended was a Cubs v. Cardinals game at Wrigley Field in Chicago. In 1999. So it has been a while.

Your Maximum Leader hopes all his minions will think of him as he’s enjoying a day at the olde ballpark…

Carry on.


The Curse Of Bobby Kennedy

Okay, it’s early in the season, but I’m already developing an ulcer. Sure, it’s weird but cool to recognize people I know in the stands while watching Nats home games, but Jaysus, we just dropped another one to the…

The Curse Of Bobby Kennedy

Okay, it’s early in the season, but I’m already developing an ulcer. Sure, it’s weird but cool to recognize people I know in the stands while watching Nats home games on tee vee, but Jaysus, we just dropped another…

The Curse Of Bobby Kennedy

***UPDATED AND MOVED TO TOP*** Okay, it’s early in the season, but I’m already developing an ulcer. Sure, it’s weird but cool to recognize people I know in the stands while watching Nats home games on tee vee, but Jaysus,…

The Curse Of Bobby Kennedy

***UPDATED AND MOVED TO TOP*** Okay, it’s early in the season, but I’m already developing an ulcer. Sure, it’s weird but cool to recognize people I know in the stands while watching Nats home games on tee vee, but Jaysus,…

The Curse Of Bobby Kennedy

***UPDATED AND MOVED TO TOP*** Okay, it’s early in the season, but I’m already developing an ulcer. Sure, it’s weird but cool to recognize people I know in the stands while watching Nats home games on tee vee, but Jaysus,…

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