Cue Nelson Munz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that even President Obama’s presence and charm offensive (coupled with Oprah and others) couldn’t bring the Olypmics to Chicago.

Your Maximum Leader is a patriot. He feels pride in our nation and believes that the Olypmics brings honor and some pride to a nation. It is a time and place to showcase what is best about your nation. So your Maximum Leader is saddened by losing out on this chance to put on a big show.

That said, your Maximum Leader wonders why the President would invest himself so much in this. It seems like a waste of time and (surprisingly) political capital. When you are President everything to which you commit yourself stands to either increase or diminish your political capital. This whole endeavor seems to have been a calculated risk of political capital by a man (and his advisors) who might have a somewhat enlarged view of themselves. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t believe that by losing the Olypmics after personal lobbying the President has emperilled all of his other (many others - too many others in fact) initiatives too much. But every setback weakens you. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t understand why you would do anything to weaken yourself when you are having a hard enough time getting done what you want to get done.


Sorry Chicago. You’re still my kinda town.

Carry on.

Mrs. Peperium said:

1. Are Barack and Michelle on the same plane? I know she and Oprah took their own plane over a few days ago -carbon footprint be dammed- but do we know if are they flying home together?

If they are, I bet Obama’s ashtrays are flying right now at his big fat head….

2. Would Sarah Palin have been so stupid as to fly over to Denmark to lobby for the Winter Olympics without knowing prior it was in the bag?

Mrs. Peperium said:

Maxy, remember how the other day in this space I was ragging on Obama for having only having one phone call with his commander in Afghanistan for the last 70 days. Well, it’s true that O met with this commander - for all of 25 minutes where O counseled patience with him -see The Hill- but look how much effort -”unprecedented campaign”- O put into trying to secure the Olympic bid - which unlike with Afghanistan - VICTORY was the goal (from The Politico):

“In a shocking loss sure to provide fodder for President Obama’s opponents, the International Olympic Committee on Friday rejected Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics, only hours after Obama himself made an unprecedented pitch for his hometown at the committee’s meeting in Copenhagen.

“Rio de Janeiro was awarded the games by the notoriously unpredictable committee, which eliminated Chicago in its first round of voting, and also passed over Tokyo and Madrid. The award to Rio, which had emphasized in its bid that no South American city had ever hosted an Olympics, set off jubilant celebrations in Brazil.

“Chicago’s defeat comes after an unprecedented campaign by the Obama administration — an eleventh-hour, full-court press that many observers assumed would only be mounted if the White House had solid intelligence that Chicago was likely to be selected.

In addition to being the first president to personally lobby the IOC, Obama established the first-ever White House Olympics office (tapping senior White House adviser and longtime confidant Valerie Jarrett to head it) and recorded several videos seeking support from IOC subcommittees.

The president and first lady Michelle Obama, who spent two days in Copenhagen lobbying IOC members and also made a formal plea to the committee Friday morning, were aboard Air Force One returning to Washington when the IOC delivered the news, and the White House did not immediately issue a statement on the loss.

But David Axelrod, a senior White House adviser and a fellow Chicagoan whose former public relations firm helped with the bid, called the decision “a disappointment” in an appearance on MSNBC moments after the announcement.

“It would have been great to have the Olympics in Chicago. Chicago would have done a great job for it,” Axelrod said. He defended the decision to send the president, saying “this president is going to go anywhere he can to promote this country, to try and bring good things back to this country. The fact is that he left at 7 o’clock last night and he’ll be back in an hour or two, so it isn’t exactly like he was gone very long.” …”

Don’t you love Axelrod’s spin ” the President will go anywhere to promote this country”. The truth is he is willing to go anywhere to apologize for it…

I don’t know if Barack is flying back with Michelle or not. I imagine that the President is upset and probably is throwing an ashtray at whoever suggested to him that he directly involved.

Also, I would say that no advisor to the president should allow the President to get personally involved in this type of lobbying without knowing that the deal is done. Indeed Obama ought to let someone go over this.

Perhaps it is Valerie Jarrett who should get canned for this. I would hope that every president would want to act as a booster for our nation; but it is the job of the president himself and his staff to direct that “boosterism” into constructive paths. Lobbying the IOC at the last minute - given the lay of the land in this situation - isn’t constructive.

Mrs. Peperium said:

Well, it looks as if Obama should throw the ashtray at himself and then can himself. He announced this one personally the day before Chicago made its bid - bullet point 4 is the money quote:

Mrs. Peperium said:

Wow Maxy! You drag a keyboard through the White House website and you’ll never know what you find! Look and read closely:

Some White House. Bring back the Barney Cam…

Mrs. Peperium said:

I like this one -loads of wheels within wheels :

This blog might become a daily read. I’ve been rather bored since The Peanuts was retired.

Robbo said:

Perhaps we can just sum up by saying that denial is a river in Illinois.

Mrs. Peperium said:

Hey I live in Illinois now. Robbo, expect an email in the next 48 hours. I’ve done something…

Maxy! Look -actually read-from the Corner:

A reader adds a few points to my back-of-the-envelope math on the cost of President Obama’s trip to Copenhagen to lobby the International Olympic Committee and (probably?) witness the announcement that Chicago will host the 2016 games.

The cost of Obama’s trip will not be close to $1 mil. It is well over $10 mil if it is a dime. The figures you quoted (accurately) are for flying a VC-25 (Presidential 747). Presidential trips require both 747s, as one is a backup. However, the costs soar when you realize that from the moment a POTUS indicates he wants to go somewhere, dozens, if not hundreds of people start preparing every detail. These details include security, communications, protocol, logistics that boggle the mind and transportation that most people never see. Several Air Force cargo planes of equipment are loaded and flown to the destination with armored limos, security personnel from the Secret Service and the relevant military branches, fuels specialists, etc. A National Airborne Operations Command Post 747 from Offutt AFB, NE will accompany him to keep POTUS in constant communications in case of national or word emergency . . . We are now up to three 747s, multiple cargo planes and costs for personnel who fly commercial ahead of POTUS. If FLOTUS flies separately, add a C-32 (757) for her and her staff, entourage, hangers-on etc, with attendant security, logistics, etc. Add a few more million dollars, though many personnel in Denmark will cover preparations for both POTUS and FLOTUS.

Air Force One is a perk for all Presidents and I hesitate to criticize their use and cost. Bill Clinton flew the wings off Air Force One, but I criticized him for his policies, behavior and attitudes toward what he considered the benighted peasants of this country. He is the head of his party and, all Presidents use AF 1 liberally, as they should. Moreover, we need to keep him safe at all times and in contact with whomever is needed. AF 1 is like the medieval king arriving to fanfares of trumpets and bringing the majesty of the office (however tarnished by recent occupants) to all destinations. Despite Obama’s words and best efforts, we are still the dominant country on Earth and any President is both head of state and head of government. Let the trumpets sound upon any POTUS’ arrival.

Obama’s trip to Copenhagen to bring the Olympics to my hometown is both stupid and unnecessary as half of Chicago does not want them. It will be the ultimate trough for the piggish politicians in Chicago to bury their collective snouts in corruption. However, I encourage all conservatives to go after Obama on the substance of the trip, not the cost of flying there. We shall soon have conservative POTUS and he or she will use AF 1. Let’s not justify the inevitable criticism from the lunatic left about use of AF 1.

When I mentioned the cost yesterday, my aim was to note the financial, time, and opportunity costs for the president. I have a hard time believing Obama would take this trip halfway around the world if there was any chance he will be left standing as they announce that Rio is getting the games. I suspect the IOC has given the White House a wink and a nod, so to speak.

As to whether Chicago should get the Olympics, I’m undecided. I attended and enjoyed the Atlanta Games in 1996, but I also know hosting the games has enormous costs and headaches for the locals. It’s a chance to shine on the world stage, but it also brings all normal economic activity in your city to a grinding halt for about a month. You end up building a decent amount of infrastructure that will rarely be used to that extent again; there’s rarely enough ability to get around the city; and of course, you become a target for terrorism.

Bottom line, this seems like small potatoes for a president with a full plate. As Ed puts it, “Barack Obama has decided to put his international influence on the line not to push for more support in Afghanistan or sanctions on Iran, but to act as Salesman in Chief for Chicago and its Olympics bid for 2016.”


All I will add is that in my short time here, I’ve gotten to know the future aviators of AF1 - expect the wheels within wheels….

Mrs. Peperium said:

Max, it’s official. The O has a zero for a wife. From her Olympic speech:

“Sports were a gift I shared with my dad, especially the Olympic Games,” Obama said in her portion of the U.S. delegation’s final presentation to the International Olympic Committee. “Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis and others for their brilliance and perfection.”

Carl Lewis made his first Olympic appearance in 1984. First Lady Zero would have been 20 years old when sitting on her (handicapped) father’s lap watching him…

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