Congrats Tom Delay

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to congratulate Congressman Tom Delay for winning his primary with 62 percent of the vote. Now Congressman Delay’s Maximum Leader wouldn’t quite go so far as to call this a rebuke of the “politics of personal destruction” (NB: Thanks Jim Wright for coining such a great phrase), but is shows that Delay is still popular in his district among Republican voters. Many of those voters probably feel (as does your Maximum Leader) that the charges against Delay and prosecution of those charges are politically motivated. But whatever the prosecutors motivation for charging Delay doesn’t mean that the law hasn’t been broken. That will all be worked out in due time.

And winning the primary isn’t such a big prize. Afterall, Delay will have a big fight to win to be reelected in November.

Carry on.

1 Comment
Brian B said:

One hopes that if DeLay is guilty of breaking the law, he will be convicted, and if not, he will be acquitted. One hopes but is doubtful that if he is acquitted, his enemies will shut the hell up.

I have a friend in Texas who is following the case closely and he is convinced that DeLay will be acquitted, and further points out that Earl has filed 5 extensions now, indicating that he knows how weak the case is but wants to drag it out until the general election.

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