Civil War Kerfluffle

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader should know that if you start to comment on the American Civil War, you will elicit passionate responses from somebody. Since comments on this blog are still defunct, one must leave it to your blog-friends to comment on their blogs.

Your Maximum Leader’s post on George Henry Thomas (Old Slow Trot), elicited a very thoughtful response from our good friend Buckethead. Go now and read his post. More importantly… Read some of the comments as well. It looks as though it is your Maximum Leader and GeekLethal on one side, and Buckethead and the esteemed Steven Den Beste on the other.

That is a fair amount of firepower on the other side… But you know, your Maximum Leader is… well… a Maximum Leader. So, taking Buckethead’s advice, one doesn’t think we’ll leave it up to the statisticans and odds-makers, but might debate this one out.

More to come as your Maximum Leader has time to write a cogent response…

Carry on.

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