Cindy Sheehan

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads on the news wires that Cindy Sheehan’s husband is filing for divorce.

You know… Your Maximum Leader doesn’t blame him. If your Maximum Leader were married to Cindy Sheehan he’d divorce her too. Well… Actually… Your Maximum Leader doesn’t believe in divorce. He believes in living together and making your spouse’s life miserable… He is old fashioned like that.

But back to Cindy Sheehan…

At first, that is to say a few weeks ago - or whenever we started hearing about her protest, your Maximum Leader had some feelings of sympathy for Ms. Sheehan. He can’t imagine the pain of losing your child. His heart went out to her. He didn’t feel that gave her the right to meet with the President again, but he was sympathetic.

Now he wishes a great dark hole would open in the earth and Cindy Sheehan would fall into it.

Why is she still news? Your Maximum Leader saw no fewer than 4 programs over the weekend all detailing Ms. Sheehan’s connection to various anti-war groups. Indeed the general consensus of reporters and pundits alike seemed to be, “Yeah, Cindy Sheehan is a partisan hack. But it is a slow news cycle.”

So because we are in a slow news cycle we are subjected to the daily Sheehan update. Somehow your Maximum Leader feels his knowledge of the American political landscape is not enhanced by knowing that Cindy Sheehan spent another day in the 100+ degree heat outside President Bush’s ranch in Crawford.

Now it seems that Cindy Sheehan’s husband has had enough. Your MaximumLeader read that Sheehan’s other son, while supporting her anti-war stance, begged her to come home and be with her family.

What the hell is wrong with Cindy Sheehan? Your Maximum Leader is fully supportive of her right to protest outside of the President’s ranch (provided she is not encroaching on the property rights of the President or others). Your Maximum Leader, while disagreeing with Ms. Sheehan’s views on the war, is all in favour of petitioning to meet the President. But outside of her rights as a citizen to protest your Maximum Leader wonders what is wrong with Cindy Sheehan? She seems so focused on a cause that she will sacrifice the remaining members of her family to the cause. But what is worse than that is that she will lose her husband, and possibly alienate her children, for something that will not bring back her dead son.

Let us say, for the sake of argument, that Cindy Sheehan gets to meet with President Bush what will happen then? Does she honestly think there will be cameras present if they do meet? Not a chance. Does she really think that anything she will say will change the policy of the President? Not a chance. So, for the sake of argument, Cindy Sheehan and George W. Bush spend a few minutes together in Crawford. Then what?

Cindy Sheehan goes on a number of news programs saying how she told the President that the war was wrong and that the US needs to stop backing Israel. Then she goes home. She goes home to discover she no longer has a husband. She may no longer have a good relationship with her children. She may no longer have a home. Her son is still dead. Her nation is still at war. And aside from a few moments of celebrity she has accomplished nothing.

It is pityable actually. Your Maximum Leader hopes she fades into obscurity soon.

Carry on.

Phoenix said:

My Dear Benevolent Maximum Leader,

(Is that greeting obsequious enough? I shall endeavor to do better in future.)

You grandly ask “what then?” to the notion of Cranky Cindy meeting with The President and then going on the talk show circuit only to come home to the metaphorical used coffee grounds of her life.

I can answer that. No doubt you could too, if only your magnificence weren’t so busy. Of course, Cranky Cindy will moo looong and loud about how not only did George W. Bush personally kill her son, but he also destroyed her family, making her husband leaver her and her children revile her. Then she can go around again insisting that he make time from his busy schedule as the leader of the free world to lick her self-inflicted wounds.

And what the heck? She’ll piss on her son’s memory again, just for good measure. Media Whores are like that.

With deepest respect to your Might,


(Please do not be alarmed that we Vanquish Villains. Naturally The Maximum Leader will never meet our blade.)

cindy sheehan said:

Bill I am only doing this so they will write a book about me, or make a movie!
These american people are stupid!
I love Bill orielly!

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