Cheney Administration

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that the Cheney Administration is over and that comments about it might be outdated… But let that not stop your Maximum Leader…

You see, your Maximum Leader spent the Cheney Administration getting to then watching the Washington Nationals v. Colorado Rockies baseball game. Once or twice he speculated to Mrs Villain and friends around on what he though President Cheney was doing. In the moment those idle musings were funny enough to elicit laughs…

Alas, none of your Maximum Leader’s comments were as funny as those penned by The Colossus. The absolute best of the Colossus’ great list (in the tradition of David Letterman top ten lists where inevitably the Number 2 answer is funnier than the Number 1 answer: 2. Dinner: bottle of whisky, foie gras made from the liver of Ambassador Joe Wilson, served on Triscuits.

Damn that made your Maximum Leader laugh. He supposes that after the foie gras a la Wilson he might have had sweatbreads a la Plame…

Carry on.

Mrs. Peperium said:

We almost ran over David Rockefeller once. It was in Maine naturally. Mr. P had the pedal a tad too low to the floor of the car as we were in great thirst from our hike and the pub seemed to far away at the time. We came around a quick bend very quickly, and there standing David in the middle of the road. (he owned the property flanking both sides of the road) Mr. P actually made David Rockefellor run (you’ve just got to love Democracy) but not before I saw the stitching on the button on David’s pocket on his backside. It clearly looked Savile Row…

Mrs. Peperium said:

I’m sorry. That was full of typos and it was in reference to The Colussus’s Top Ten List. (Very funny)

Later at the pub, Mr. P and I laughed about how if we had pancaked David Rockefeller how all the conspirators would have come out in full force trying to figure out which “group” Mr. P was working for. He just really wanted a Bar Habor India Pale Ale..badly.

Great story. I was almost run over by another Senator… Massachusetts’ own Edward Kennedy. That might not single me out of a crowd, given his track record. But it was actually the third time I’d had a “run in” with the Senator in a single evening.

I’ll also have to admit that I’ve not seen David Rockefeller in years. I doubt I’d recognize him from the last press conference he might have held on some Senate Intelligence Committee hearing…

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