Campaign For Real Beauty

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has found some new eye-candy. Yes indeedey! He’s seen those Dove Ads. He’s seen them on TV. He’s seen the billboards and lit up advertising kiosks in the mall. The women in the new Dove advertising campaign are dead sexy.

What? You haven’t seen them. Well check them out on their website: Campaign for real beauty.

Well. It seems as though the arbitors of taste and style at the Chicago Sun Times are claiming that this Campaign “challenges” viewers. It makes some people “uncomfortable.”

Who exactly are these people who are challenged and uncomfortable? Are they supermodels who fear that they will become obsolete?

Damn. The women in this campaign are beautiful. As others have said, they’re hot. That is in no small part because they are physically attractive AND comfortable with who they are.

One can only hope that more companies will start using normal women in advertising.

Your Maximum Leader thanks the following bloggers for their links on this story: Tea Fizz, Bad Example, Lynn, and Pound.

Carry on.


The people uncomfortable are the same people who’ve been starving themselves for years to fit what Victoria Secret decided women should look like.

I’d much rather see these women than the stick figures most companies use.

Misspent said:

I have been considering blogging on this point for a while now. I think most of the models are good looking ladies except for two. It is these two that I see most often and it is these two that really make me avert my eyes.

I am talking of the one with the giant veritcal navel and the one with the random tattoo. Have you seen that giantess with the huge, strangely shaped navel? How does that happen? Is it natural? Is that what happens when some women have children? And the tattoo woman. What is the deal with the tattoo? It is a random tattoo in a random place. I do not like large tattoos on women, or any tattoos for that matter.

Generally, I agree with you on this point, Maximum Leader, but I must humbly dissent on these two ladies.

That must be some kind o’ soapy cheesecake because Father Justice blocks the site.

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