Britney Baby Update.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Britney Spears-Federline has named her baby.

Congratulations Britney! You’ve just given birth to a Volunteer State Blogger! No not that one. This one. Your Maximum Leader likes Preston Taylor Holmes. He’s funny.

Carry on.


Poor little s.o.b. is doomed, bad enough to have the name Preston (no offense intended if Mr. Holmes reads this), but with the initials of PMS they could have just named him Sue and gotten it over with.

The Kid is not My Son

Thank God I decided not to create those frozen embryos she wanted so much.

Damn, Phin. Why don’t you just pull my heart out, throw it on the ground and stomp it until it stops twitching. Sheeesh.

Actually Phin, if the baby were named Sue wouldn’t he grow up to be rough and tough and manly? If the child were named Esmerelda or Fabienne perhaps then the effeminate outcome would be assured.

Phin, by the way, you made me so angry that I blogrolled you.

That will teach you.

ML that’s a great point, that may also ’splain why the one around there that goes by Fabienne is over compensating with the constant womanizing. An intervention my perhaps be required, virtual of course.

Mr. Holmes, you can’t see me but I’m doing the happy white man dance, it closely resembles an epileptic fit if you‚Äö?Ñ?Â¥re wondering though.

sadie said:

Heh heh. Yeah. Since I’ve met Phin, I will say that as cute as he is, he looks like a really crappy dancer.

Allison Trump said:

This is cool, you have to try it. I guessed 41710, and this game guessed it! See it here -

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