
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is feeling quite ‘bleh’ of late. He is taking a few days off to celebrate a milestone birthday. Indeed, this milestone birthday will be a sort of re-visiting of another milestone birthday. This is a veiled way of saying that for his 50th your Maximum Leader will be doing pretty much the same thing he did for his 10th birthday. Perhaps stories and photos will ensue.

Until then, he hopes the bleh feeling passes.

Carry on.


Happy birthday! I will hit the very same milestone tomorrow. While I am looking forward to a home-baked birthday pie, the rest of it I could do without.

Thank you my old bloggy friend! Happy 50th to you! I hope the pie was absolutely wonderful. (Of course it has to be, it is pie, which by definition is wonderful.)

I am off to Pennsylvania in an hour to start reliving my 10th birthday. It will be substantially different this time as I’ll be bringing the family I’ve created (and not born into) and there will be booze.

So I’ve got that going for me.

Robbo said:

Happy Birthday to both of you!

I’m only 54, but I haven’t the faintest memory whatever of what, if anything, I did to mark the Big 5-0.

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