Best Beer Ad Ever

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader got an email from an old college friend yesterday. It contained a link to a You Tube video. The only clue to the link was the subject line of the email “Best beer ad ever.”

To wit, your Maximum Leader presents the “best beer ad ever.”

Heh. Your Maximum Leader will have to get a Guinness tonight.

Carry on.

Robbo said:

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that Mrs. Villain does not read this blog.

Fortunately, I know for a fact that Mrs. Robbo does not. Therefore, I can say: Heh, indeed!

Right you are sir! She doesn’t read this blog at all… And if she did, she surely wouldn’t bother to click through to the comments.

We’re safe.

That was so good that I sent the link to my husband, who just wrote back: “Huh. I think I’ll pick up some Guinness on the way home tonight.”

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