Before You Comment on Smallholder’s Religious Ruminations

Please note carefully that I’m not bashing all Christians.

As a Christian myself, I’m trying to advance the spread of Christianity by denying the validity of errant thought. The Christian God is not a vengeful, intolerant, hate-filled, anti-science God.

He is a loving, forgiving God who gave us out brains for a reason.

Perhaps he intended us to learn about his creation instead of shivering in caves and breeding better cattle through the proper placement of carved sticks.

Query: Why is it that the most hateful Christians wrap themselves in the cloak of literal translation? And why does their literal, inerrant translation ignore the words of the Bible that aren’t congruent with their hatred?

Query: Why aren’t Christians condemning Robertson’s idiocy? Why do so many Christians tune in to CBN every day for their daily does of narrowminded bigotry?

Brian B said:

My answer to your questions (at least one of them):

Everybody should head over to Memento Moron - Brian has a good post.

If you don’t want to go over and read Brian’s response and my lengthy, poorly-written reply, at least hear this:

I’m not saying all literalists are hateful.

I do stand by the statement that most hateful Christians are literalists.

It’s a Venn diagram thing.

Brian B said:

True. But that’s their fault, NOT scripture’s.

Furthermore, I’d argue they CLAIM to be literalists, but misrepresent themselves — whether that’s intentional or not.

Kevin Kim said:

Good arguments, and an interesting exchange both here and at Memento Moron. I might have to comment on this on my own blog.

I think there needs to be some agreement about what, exactly, is meant by the term “literalist” before discussion can go much further.


Brian B said:

I believe Kevin’s right.

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