Acqua Alta - December 2008

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has, in this space and to anyone who will listen, shared his desire to go to Venice for Christmas. He’s read that November to February is the worst time to visit Venice if you are concerned about the acqua alta (or “high water” as the Venetians call it). But he figured that when the time came, he’d just risk it…

Well… The time to visit is not December 2008. This is because your Maximum Leader would risk the unholy wrath of Mrs Villain if he just packed up and went. The second reason is because the worst acqua alta in a decade has hit the city.

Kevin directs us to the Times of London which writes:

Sirens sounded across Venice yesterday as flooding submerged 95 per cent of the city and left tourists in St Mark’s Square thigh-deep in water.

The highest water levels in more than 20 years paralysed services. Elderly residents were carried to high ground and some people took to the piazzas in inflatable dinghies.

As the water retreated it left a layer of sludge and debris. There were fears of more flooding, with another surge into the city from the Adriatic predicted today as high tides coincide with bad weather. Temperatures in the past few days have barely risen above freezing.

“Venice is completely paralysed,” one official said. “We are submerged.” Massimo Cacciari, the Mayor of Venice, advised residents and tourists to avoid moving around unless it was unavoidable. “Anyone thinking of coming should think again,” he said. “These are exceptionally high waters. Don’t venture out unless it is necessary.”

Driven by strong winds and heavy rain, the water rose to just over 5ft above sea level, the highest acqua alta since the 5ft 2in (1.6m) of 1986. The tide monitoring centre gave warning that the levels could yet reach a 30-year high.The water reached 6ft 4in above sea level in 1966, causing devastation to homes, shops and historic monuments and artworks.

Oy! Your Maximum Leader has got to get to Venice before it is completely subsumed by the lagoon.

Thanks to the AP you have photos of the flooding:
acqua alta in Piazza San Marco

Here is a link to the whole AP photo slideshow.

Carry on.

UPDATE - Link to now expanded slide show should be working.

Mrs. Peperium said:

Movie and Maine trivia combined -imagine that? - Kate Hepburn did a movie in Venice that I cannot recall the name of and am too lazy to google up. She played a single woman of mature yet still comely years who meets a Italian stud who is married, I think. Anyhoo, Kate, thanks to her acrobatic instructor Cary Grant, always did her own stunts. And in that movie she actually fell into one of Venice’s canals as the story line called for her character to do that. And guess what? Because of all the yuck in the contaminated waters, she contracted an eye infection that was resistant to modern drugs. So ever since she fell into that canal until Kate drew her final breath, one of her eyes weeped, occasionally but uncontrollably (recall that blink she would sometimes gives and now you know it wasn’t acting on her part just a disease) and the application of makeup was shot. Hence her ‘natural’ look was a medical necessity, not some feminist statement served up on toast points. Kate always maintained the only thing that ever stopped her eye from weeping was to have some of Spencer’s whiskey, straight up but would admit that it may not have actually stopped weeping but that the whiskey made her not care that it was.

Anyhoo, the good news here is flooding is very good for yucky water. It is actually cleans it very nicely. This is always the pleasant present left behind every cove or harbor in Maine after a hurricane blows through. I’ve heard the canals of Venice omit an unpleasant odor than to the yuck. I bet they won’t be as omitting as much now.

Oh, and Maxy, we have to talk. All the family man mumbo jumbo with Obama was just to cover up the fact he’s a cheapskate. He bought Mrs. Obama a ring for all she’s done to help him in the last two years. Last year alone the man earned a cool 4 mil on his book, this year shall be higher and his next autobiography will bring in only 3X moreat the very least. With all that earning power Obama only spent $30,000 on the ring. A measley 30 grand. If that weren’t bad enough he did not give her a matching necklace and earrings too. Doesn’t he understand Michelle’s in D.C. now? She’s no longer hanging out with the Weathermen or going to Rev. Wright’s church. She’ll be having dinner with Sally Quinn. She needs jewels…or else she’s toast, socially.

Charles said:

Wow. I’ve stood in that very space in that photograph, and to see it under water is a bit unnerving.

bobgirrl said:

You lost me when I thought you said “Aqua Velva.”

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