Community College Teapot Tempest

Notice from your Maximum Leader: The Smallholder wrote this post but delayed in publishing it. He asked your Maximum Leader to read it over and decide if it should be posted. Indeed it should. It may offend some, but that is the price of free speech and free thought. Your Maximum Leader added a few peripheral comments here and here. They are marked clearly. - ML

A post over at the Jawa Report has generated quite the backlash.

The provocative line?

“The best news in this piece is that the good professor teaches in a community college. That is one rung above wearing a paper hat and asking, “do you want to Supersize it?”

A commentator on the web was aghast, aghast I say, that someone would impugn the academic excellence of community colleges.

Go read the post and then the comments.

The Jawas seem to have backed away from the line and have issued a blanket apology of sorts. I don’t think one was necessary.

Community colleges have their place. They are an excellent second chance for people who didn’t have it together in college.

With few exceptions, community colleges are staffed by folks who don’t have the credentials or ability (or desire - ML) to teach at four year institutions. The prestige is less, the pay is less, the quality of students is less. So of course the free market moves good professors to the four year colleges. Reality.

Yes, yes, there are exceptions. Exemplary proponents of the community college concept have turned down better offers and, selfless crusaders to the man, have chosen to stay in the trenches of associate degree education. God bless them. But they are not typical of the average community college professor. Reality.

The Jawa post used the throw-away line to mock the idiot professor who tried to tell a Kuwaiti immigrant that she ought not to be grateful to America. Guess which category he belongs to? One-step-above-paper-hat-wearing or selfless crusader. I’ll wait while you consider this difficult problem.

Community College Cindy then went on, defensively feeling her accomplishments were being denigrated. I certainly don’t mean to pile on a working mother (God bless her), but one ought to stop and think carefully about comparing apples and oranges. One can get a good education anywhere if one is willing to work (the Maximum Leader and I are relatively literate even though we attended a second-rate school). The community college experience is very different from the college experience at better institutions, just as the Longwood College experience is different from the Yale experience.

First of all, as previously explained, the average level of professional (professorial) ability is lower.

Secondly, the quality of your peers is lower. A major part of college isn’t the professor’s lectures; it is being pushed by talented peers. In college, the Maximum Leader and I dominated just about every class we took. Most of our peers, having arrived at our illustrious institution because they partied too hard in high school to rise above a 2.0 average, were content to sit spongelike in class, taking notes that they would never review. (In all fairness to our classmates, the average entry GPA was closer to 3.0/4.0 - standardized test scores were lower than “first tier” colleges. - ML)In some ways, that experience is still shaping us. The Maximum Leader and I agree on most things, but we find ways to argue on this blog because we got into the habit while in college. We’d even divvy up responsibilities. If we both agreed on some issue in “The Republic“, one of us would argue against that anyway so we could have an actual class discussion. This fishbowl environment didn’t prepare me well for graduate school. After spending four years growing an ego the size of Alaska, it was a humbling (and necessary and positive) experience during my first day of a graduate seminar when I looked around and realized that I was the dumbest, least prepared person in the room. I imagine that a community college graduate plunked down amongst Harvard undergraduates would feel much the same.

But, Cindy is already sputtering, lots of smart people go to community college. I’m sure they do. But what about motivated, prepared smart people with an academic orientation? While te occasional person with a bizarre life experience precluding playing in the big leagues might fit that description, I’d bet it is pretty rare.

Let’s look at some basic reality. What is the average SAT score of a community college student? What is the average GPA of a community college student? These scores aren’t the be all and end all - I had a 2.6 GPA in high school so I hope they aren’t. But as averages for large groups, they are a telling comparison and accurate predictor about how hard your peers will challenge you. Reality.

Human nature is a funny thing. We all want to believe that what we do is the “best ever!” I once heard a pompous sorority chick call Longwood “the Harvard of the South.” With a straight face. I’m sure Cindy, in all seriousness, wants to believe that community colleges offer the same educational experience as, say, Duke University.

The piece of the paper on your wall isn’t always an accurate predictor of one’s intelligence or ability to do a job. Skippy, who claims not to have gone to college, has an incredible breadth of knowledge about American history and government. My uncle, who never finished more than the half year agricultural short course at UW, was a widely read, thoughtful autodidact. I have worked for a Harvard MA who couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel. I had a battalion commander whose “ring-knocking*” hubris masked massive incompetence. We all decide whose opinions and attitudes matter on a case by case basis. But if one has not had individual interaction, looking at the resume is the best you can do.

Let’s do a mental exercise, shall we? You are hiring a new manager for your business. Their performance will directly affect your personal profits. You have interviewed two candidates and both are equally personable. Both seem likely to stick with the company for some time. Do you hire the UVA MBA or the person with an AA from Podunk community college. I’ll let you chew that one over.


Or, to take a real example, think about preschool. My wife and I have looked at several preschools for our daughter. Some preschools have teachers with bachelor’s degrees in early childhood education. Some preschools only require an associate’s degree. All other (examinable/discoverable) things being equal, where would you send your child?

I thought so.


So Rusty, even if the Jawas aren’t willing to stand in the face of community college wrath, at least one Villain is willing to stand up for academic snobbery.

I stand prepared for flaming.

* For the non-veteran audience, a “ring-knocker” is an officer who believes that his troops ought to respect him because he attended West Point. Rather than legitimately earning that respect, they will bang their gigantic, gaudy class rings on their desks.

Wright Homes.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, as some of you prone to poking around in the “Villainous Culture” portion of the sidebar know, is a Frank Lloyd Wright fan. Wright was, in your Maximum Leader’s opinion, the greatest architect of the 20th Century. He was a visionary who’s concept of architecture was greater than just designing buildings. Wright designed lifestyles and looks that reflected his vision of America.

Additionally, not too many architects would have the balls to call the President of the US to complain that some federal rural electrification agncy was putting up power lines that ruined his view. (Although the power lines were a few miles from his property and hardly visible from his sitting room.) Of course Wright, like Thomas Jefferson in this regard, also thought that “The United States of America” was a bad name for our Republic. He suggested we rename the country “Usonia.” (Get it “US”-onia.)

And it is because of this Usonian ideal that your Maximum Leader is prompted to write this post. You see a few days ago the following article came across the news wire: Frank Lloyd Wright Homes a Tough Sell. The article details how difficult it is to sell certain Frank Lloyd Wright homes in the modern marketplace.

Indeed. Not many people your Maximum Leader knows would plunk down $1.3 million for a 3800 square foot house with 8 foot ceilings, small kitchens, and no garage (you might get a carport if you are lucky). NB: And your Maximum Leader knows people who have plunked down more than $1.3 million for houses in the past year…

The homeowner in the piece has a “Usonian” house designed by Wright. Now for those of you who may not be familiar with Frank Lloyd Wright’s work, in his later life he produced a series of homes he called “Usonian.” They were designed to be built by normal people on normal budgets. Wright specified inexpensive (but durable) materials and built small. The typical Usonian house was meant to be built for around $25,000. While the actual budget on these houses often exceeded the $25 figure (in the late 1940s) they were still quite affordable. The Usonian concept was that everyone should be able to afford a solidly built house, fully furnished, that is not derivative of some other architectural style. So, if you commissioned a Usonian house, you got just that. A small affordable house that was definately a “Wright House.” Wright could have added garages, or cathedral ceilings. But those added to the cost of the house - so he didn’t. (Indeed, to your Maximum Leader’s knowledge, Frank Lloyd Wright designed the first house EVER with an attached garage for an automobile. Another Wright first - the drive through window.)

Now your Maximum Leader must return to the article. Not everyone can live in a Wright designed home. Your Maximum Leader would love to live in one. Mrs. Villain would not. To live in a Wright home is to adopt Wright’s vision of your lifestyle. You don’t bring all the heirloom furniture to the house. It looks out of place and doesn’t “fit” the house. (But small descrete PC’s with flat-panel displays work remarkably well.) Wright designed the interior and the exterior. And there are other little foibles to his houses. For example, exterior doors on Wright homes tend to be small and tucked out of the way.

This being said, your Maximum Leader still finds it hard to believe that finding buyers for Usonian-era Wright homes is difficult. (The article doesn’t mention that Wright’s very grand Prarie Style homes have no trouble selling.) Then again, there is also more than a little irony that a house designed to be affordable to “normal” people would now be selling for $1.3 million.

Perhaps those with money to buy a such a home have no class. Or more accurately, they have no sense of taste. Only a sense of ostentation.

Carry on.

Who is Driving the Future of DVD Technology?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, in a continuing meme that always comes back to his libido, presents this quite interesting article off the Reuters news wire concerning how the porn industry is directing the future of DVD technology.

As the article mentions, it is no secret that porn helped to push many trends in consumer electronics. The porn producers were among the first to abandon the Betamax video tape format. The porn industry made quick use of the internet. They catered early to broadband consumers. And they love DVDs.

Now it seems as though they are beginning to take aim at the future of DVDs. Although the article doesn’t say, your Maximum Leader wonders how much blood and treasure the likes of Sony, Philips, and others are spending to woo the various porn “studios” into adapting to their formats. He suspects it is a lot.

Another breakdown in the article that is interesting is the “big” vs. “small” studio contraversy. The “big” studios (presumably having more money to spend on equipment) are going for the more expensive format that seems to boast more programming options. The “small” studios are desirous that the less expensive format be adopted as a standard. Your Maximum Leader is pretty sure that the Sony format (the expensive one) will become the industry standard. Why you ask?

First off, men (the preminent consumers of porn) like gadgets and new technology. They will often pay to be the first on their block with the newest this or the latest that. The DVD that packs more data onto a disk - and allows the viewer to customize his viewing experience - is going to be preferable to one that doesn’t.

Secondly, technology comes down in price as it gains acceptance in the marketplace. Anyone who has a modicum of intelligence and has observed the electronics marketplace can tell you this. That PC that cost $3500 about three years ago can now be replaced with a newer model thousands of times more powerful for $800. That DVD player that cost $300 two years ago just went on sale at Best Buy for $75. Once these porn companies take a decision, expect their choice to start coming down in price within a few months. After that has happened, expect widespread rollout to the whole consumer electronics world within a few months of the first few price drops.

On a completely secondary note… Should we be concerned that some of societies less-than-illustrious captains of industry seem to be the ones shaping the direction of our home electronics future? Your Maximum Leader will posit that, for good or ill, the porn industry has come out of the shadows to flex its considerable market muscle. And regardless of their product, the people running the porn industry are in the business to produce a popular product that makes them lots of money. They are, quite possibly, one of the most nimble industries when it comes to adopting new technology and making it profitable. While it seems strange to say, they might be just the people we want shaping the future of home electronics.

Carry on.

Petting Zoo

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was just about to turn in for the night. But he decided to check out a few blogs before lights out.

He is very glad he visited Eric’s site and decided to follow the link to this:Petting Zoo - Amish Donkey.

Your Maximum Leader can hardly type for laughing so hard. If you are looking at this from work, well… Turn down the speakers really low. Or wear a headset. It is wonderful. I suspect that the Poet Laureate will really like it.

Carry on.

Quick Links

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader figured he’d throw out a few quic links to start off his day…

First there was the interview with Sadie (Part I and Part II) Now for those of you who can’t get enough of your Maximum Leader, and who have a foot fetish… He directs you to Jeff’s most atrocious recent entry. Yes, those are your Maximum Leader’s feet. He propped them up on his trusty ottoman and took the photo facing one of his bookshelves. You can now see the feet at which many of you will worship in the Mike World Order.

And speaking of Sadie… None of these things have ever happened to your Maximum Leader’s mind… Okay… Maybe one thing… Or two… Okay… more than two…

Read Bill’s Comments on Intelligent Design. Your Maximum Leader will muse a-blog (as opposed to aloud) on something here. Wouldn’t our schools be better off just trying to teach non-contraversial science? Really now, they are having a hard enough time just teaching math and science. How about just “skipping” all the parts about the origins of the universe? Your Maximum Leader understands that biology at least would be pretty hard to teach while avoiding evolution theory, but do kids really understand the basics of how life works as it is right now? Isn’t that a more important educational goal? Just a thought…

BTW, Kathy seems to be put out by the upcoming Tim Burton film.

And it seems that your Maximum Leader is worth $2,760,935.98! How much are you worth? This means your Maximum Leader is worth more than the Acidman, Ally, and the Velociman. (But only a bit more than the Velociman… Probably within the margin of error.) Of course all minions know that your Maximum Leader is truly priceless.

And as a final note… Is your Maximum Leader the only one who finds Rachel Lucas’ recent reincarnation as the Blue Eyed Infidel something of a turn on? She seems a lot more loose in her writing. Somewhat liberated even… It might also be the Kirsten Dunst photos… Of course she is completely, totally, and utterly WRONG as far as her comments on Brett Favre are concerned. But that is a subject for another post.

Carry on.

Rosemary Kennedy. RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, had it not been for Skippy, would have missed news of Rosemary Kennedy’s passing. Your Maximum Leader has nothing to add to what Skippy has written about Rosemary Kennedy. Nothing to add except that he agrees completely with Skippy on this.

Carry on.

“E” - 70

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was much delayed today in writing this but… Happy 70th Birthday to The King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Aro Presley.

As with every January 8th, celebrations were rampant at the Villainschloss today. A festive cake was baked and decorated in honour of “The King” and it was in part consumed. The Villainettes were particularly happy to draw Elvis on the cake along with various symbols which were meant to resemble music notes.

Your Maximum Leader played Elvis music most of the day (with a brief exception of when he was in the Villainmobile and he listened to Elvis and Johnny Cash).

Indeed, if any minion would like a CD of your Maximum Leader’s favourite Elvis tunes; they have only to send an e-mail.

For those minions who would like to bolster their own personal CD collection of Elvis he will recommend the following:

1) For those of you who just want the most popular Elvis tunes you should pick up either Elvis #1 or (an old favourite of your Maximum Leader’s) Elvis’ Top Ten Hits. The quality of the recordings on “Elvis #1″ is better by far; but the “Top Ten Hits” has all the essential Elvis songs.
2) For those of you who would like to get a really fine example of The King performing, your Maximum Leader will commend to them “Memories: The 68 Comeback Special.” Of all of the Elvis recordings your Maximum Leader posesses, this two CD set is probably his all time favourite. It has a little bit of everything an Elvis affectionado could possibly want. Live performance. Elvis’ banter with his band. And some songs sung with Elvis at his peak voice. One of the alternate versions of “If I Can Dream” would be your Maximum Leader’s current pick for his single favourite Elvis song.
3) And for those of you who really want to go whole hog on The King, allow your Maximum Leader to recommend “Platinum: A life in music.” Which is a four CD box set (with liner notes) of remastered music. It is a complete overview of Elvis’ career. It is worth every penny of the $60 asking price.

Well loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader hopes you kept Elvis in your hearts a little bit today. Because, so long as there is a little Elvis in you, there is hope for the world.

Carry on.

UPDATE: Great Jeezey Chreesey people! After a quick perusal of the blogroll there is only ONE OTHER BLOGGER who chooses to take note of the birthday of the greatest American cultural icon of the 20th Century!!!! Eric, your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy hat in your direction.

Our Congress - Friday Villainy 1/7/2005

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, while lamenting that he couldn’t see the Hamilton/Jefferson debate at the New York Historical Society, decided to watch a little C-Span last night. Actually, the wee Villain was a little cranky and had decided that he had to be held by either his mother or father t be contented. Mrs. Villain had some other stuff to do (on the computer no less) and it fell to your Maximum Leader to comfort his offspring.

And when one is holding a 21 lb, squirmy, six month old villain you are pretty much relegated to watching some TV and playing with teething toys.

So, your Maximum Leader couldn’t find anything good on the TV and decided to watch some C-Span. He caught the counting of Electoral College votes, and the subsequent protest of the acceptance of Ohio’s electoral votes.

Your Maximum Leader watched the counting, then the protest, then the House debate on the protest. He decided he couldn’t stomach the Senate debate of the protest. So he got up and put on “The Taming of the Shrew.”

Allow your Maximum Leader to award his Friday Villainy accolade jointly to Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) for bringing all legislative business in our national legislature to a halt for a whole afternoon. Your Maximum Leader commends Rep. Jones and Sen. Boxer for causing Congress to do what your Maximum Leader likes Congress doing.

Namely do nothing but debate with no chance of passsing a law.

Yes, loyal minions while your Maximum Leader cannot abide by Senator Boxer (and had never heard of Representative Jones) and has generally wished she would fall into a great dark chasm in the earth ne’er to be heard of again (and he suspects he would wish the same fate to Representative Jones), he respects her accomplishment.

Did anyone actually watch some of that debate? It was a continuous stream of Democrats coming to the floor and decrying our voting systems. The Democrats would speak and speak about the (real and imagined) problems had by citizens trying to exercise their franchise.

But other than speaking what could they do? Nothing. Under the rules of the House, debate was limited to 2 hours. (Sadly it could not go on longer.) And at the end of the debate the only vote possible was a vote for or against certification of Ohio’s Electoral Votes. No amendments, no changes, no setting up of commissions. Just an up or down vote on the Electoral Votes.

So, if you watched the debates, as did your Maximum Leader and the wee Villain, you would have been treated to hystrionics and lamentations from Democrats with a common theme. That theme was this: our voting system is messed up and Congress should do something about it.

Does anyone else see the delicious irony of all this?

Congress spent over 2 hours of legislative time talking about doing things that they cannot do. The Representatives talked about investigations and commissions and laws in a format where they couldn’t take a vote on actually performing an investigation, or setting up a commission, or passing a law. They talked about how they need to reform the voting system nation-wide. But most voting laws are made and executed by the states, Congress has very little authority to do much to change the way localities conduct their elections.

Your Maximum Leader sat in front of his 46 inch widescreen HDTV and laughed and laughed. He also explained what was (and wasn’t) going on to the wee Villain; who was much amused by events.

All in all it was pretty darned villainous.

Oh. By the way, Congress has, now, confirmed the Electoral College vote and certified Bush as the winner of the election.

Carry on.

Random Agriculture Post

In our continuing series of innovative farming techniques for a sustainable future, here is a farmer that is doing cool stuff.

Maybe one day other bloggers will link to Sweet Seasons Farm and say, “Smallholder has some good ideas about pasture management.” That would be cool.

I am getting this year’s calves on Friday - I’m going to do eight lads this year (with the addition of two others when Bonnie calves in June - but I’ll carry those little ones over the winter). I’m also going t0 try to be a businessman like the Maximum Leader this year. If demand is more than supply, I should at least charge at the bottom range of the market rate for organic grassfed beef. So hopefully I can actually make a little profit this year. One can hope…

The best part of this year was when I saw my brother-in-law for Christmas. He had hosted a dinner party for his computer-programming friends and they loved the beef so much that he sold three sides for this year on the spot. It turns out that my customers (like Tom or the Maximum Leader) will do the marketing for me. Woo-hoo!

Now if only I can get the Maximum Leader to do another testimonial for the tender beef produced by his minion…

M113s to Iraq

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the Army is sending moderinzed versions of the M113 armoured personnel carrier to Iraq. (Thanks to the Mad Ogre for pointing this out.) Your Maximum Leader always thought the M113, or rather the concept of the M113 was a good one. An armoured box to move soliders around in relative safety. While your Maximum Leader still worries about putting bigger guns on an APC (and thus leading some commanders to think of an APC as a light tank and not a troop conveyance), he thinks that we really need to modernize our available APC options. Really now. We go from Humvee to Stryker to Bradley to M1A1 tank. Not nearly enough choice there.

You should also check out the Ogre’s evaluation of the moderized M113s. It is on his main page… Your Maximum Leader can’t seem to find the permalink.

Carry on.

Today on C-Span.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that today C-SPAN will be covering the Gonzales Confirmation Hearings. They will also be showing the counting of Electoral College Ballots. You will even be lucky enough (on C-Span 2) to see a debate about the elimination of the Electoral College.

But what you will NOT see is coverage of the debate at the New York Historical Society on the subject of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson; and which man’s vision of America has had more impact on our nation. And that is a real tragedy.

Your Maximum Leader would note that the much beloved Minion Molly wrote your Maximum Leader on this very subject after his earlier post concerning this debate. (Which reminds him that obviously many of you didn’t write C-Span and ask them to carry the debate…) Minion Molly wrote that it was obvious that Thomas Jefferson ad the greater impact on America. Now, your Maximum Leader will throw this out there for everyone’s consideration… While Thomas Jefferson’s immortal words in the Declaration of Independence have, without question, done more to shape the conscience of our nation; Alexander Hamilton’s vision of what America would be (in an economic, industrial, and political sense) has come to pass. We are not, Smallholder excepted, a nation of yeomen farmers living in pastoral tranquility under the protection of a weak central government.

Ruminate on that for a moment and if you have questions send them to your Maximum Leader for discussion.

Carry on.

Life Goals.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was just checking up on the Outer Life site. And he declares that minions really ought to go and read the post entitled: Superfluidity. It is excellent.

Carry on.

Capital Punishment.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is a big fan of Col. Blimp’s site. And his recent discourse and discussions concerning capital punishment are well worth your time to read. You can find them here: ‘angin’s too bad for ‘em?, III: response to Andrew.

The only contribution to this discussion your Maximum Leader coul make is one that he has made before. He’ll call it a variation of his Hobbes/Nozick position. Col. Blimp argues that the state should forcefully exercise its police powers in the defence of the shared moral code (as embodied in law) of its people. The police power of the state would be used then, to exact revenge for certain heinous crimes against the perpretrators of those crimes.

Allow your Maximum Leader to frame the argument a bit differently. Earlier in the peice the obligation of citizen to the state was brought up. The general point was, put succinctly, that the state affords the framework for people to live together in relative harmony in exchange for obiedience to the authority of the state and its laws. Your Maximum Leader would posit that what the state offers is protection to its citizens. Protection from one another (and a system of laws and legal institutions for adjudicating disputes) and protection from others (foreign nations). We give up a certain measure of freedom in exchange for protection. Namely, we give up the freedom to do as we see fit in all cases in exchange for the protections the state offers us.

Perhaps in the case of those convicted of particularly heinous crimes (convicted and allowed to appeal through an established legal system), the punishment need not be execution, but withdrawl of the protection of the state. This is to say that a convicted and exhausted all his appeals serial killer would not be killed by the state, or even imprisoned by the state. He would be set free with the caveat that he is not afforded any protection from the state. His property, possessions, even his life could be taken from him by anyone at any time. He would be an extra-state entity. He had, in a sense, sacrificed his claim to the protection of the state by choosing to not live according to the laws of the state.

Your Maximum Leader has made this argument before, and it is likely he’ll make it again. But it seemed somewhat germane to bring up.

And kudos again to Col Blimp and his commentators on their thoughful discussion of this topic.

Carry on.

Condom Endorsement

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, in yet another news article that seems to reflect his current fixation with his libido, reads that the Consumers Union (the people who bring you Consumer Reports magazine) are now testing condoms. According to this Reuters article the Consumers Union has determined what the “best performing” condoms are.

Alas, it appears as though the big brand names with clever marketing campaigns (like Trojan and Rameses) are not on the list.

Does the Consumers Union also test sex toys? Since they test condoms it doesn’t seem like a stretch. Just curious.

Carry on.

Because You Just Can’t Get Enough…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is so happy to direct his minions to Part Two of his Interview with Sadie on Fistful of Fortnights. (Part One is here.)

Sadie is amazing. (And your Maximum Leader will let you interpret that however you desire…) Go and read her stuff (and not just her stuff about your Maximum Leader). Today is especially good for all you Kirsten Dunst fans. He’ll let you figure out why.

Carry on.

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