100 Below: Uh oh.

Brendon Travers was proved right after all. His neighbors joked him mercilessly about the “bomb shelter” he built. Now who was laughing?

Brendon settled into his 10×20 concrete bunker (which was buried 5 feet underground). The only door was secured. The air filters were working. His generator was good for weeks.

The worldwide zombie apocalypse wouldn’t claim him.

He decided to treat himself to his favorite snack, microwave popcorn. He had boxes of it piled around. He got a pack and went to cook it. But he couldn’t.

He’d forgotten to put the microwave in the shelter.



Jiffy Pop. Don’t leave the Apocalypse without it.

The Maximum Leader said:

I’m an Orville man myself…

old school lady said:

Methinks a certain Maximum Leader has been reading World War Z.

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